The Twins Are Totally Legit Medical Researchers v 0.2

faswich 29

Have been trying this deck out recently.

Entire point of the deck is to through down an Errand Boy/Excalibur/Lotus Field onto RD, and HQ, in the early game while building up credits, and set up a kill server with the Twins/Komainu.

The 44 deck size means it is able to pull off consistency. As opposed to relying on The Foundries build in ability to pull an ICE to hand, this build seeks to just power through card drawing, throughing the 5/3 agendas back into RD. This is actually the other aspect of going Jinteki outside of having a full set of Komainu, it has The Future Perfect in house, Caprice for Bad Publicity decks, and Shi.Kyu to take advantage of the 5/3 agenda style.

It means, in the end, your kill ICE are going in the scoring server, duplicates stay in hand, and all other ICE protect RD/HQ.

Most runners do not have their rig set up, or face check without the ability to break Komainu twice, and you only need two scoring windows with this deck.

It folds hard to Chaos Theory, or other Leg Work decks, but does surprisingly well against other runners. It is too close to a 50/50 gamble, especially in the end relying on Caprice, whereas you want your corp deck to be pulling closer to 55-60 win rates at the very least.

Main purpose of uploading is to see if others have tried it out/what their ICE selection might be like, and how The Twins are faring outside of HB.