Adam at 25 (Post-rotation, Core 2.0)

Ghost Meat 938

I thought it'd be fun(ny) to make an Adam deck that uses 25 one-influence cards, and turns out it's been doing pretty well in my recent games with it. I always start with Find the Truth, Safety First, and Neutralize All Threats, using the click ability of Always Be Running if needed (mainly for anti-AI Code Gates like Hortum), since the only one-influence decoder in the game is Force of Nature (which makes the cut in virtually no universe).

There's a pretty bonkers amount of draw in the deck, so I tend to see most cards in a lot of games if I can't capitalize on Adam's HQ pressure early. With corps in a new state of disadvantage due to Jackson's departure, hitting HQ hard and repeatedly is pretty fruitful, and if it's not, The Turning Wheel counters are great for R&D, especially paired with Find the Truth's ability. Jackson rotating also improves Find the Truth (like Indexing), as you don't have to worry about the pop/shuffle when you bite for the top-deck agenda (except with things like Miraju, but that seems unlikely on R&D).

Scoring an agenda or two early is amazing with Brain Chip (which is fairly common between Neutralize and Find the Truth), since you can then really capitalize on the draw that Safety First limits in the early game, and load up the Overmind counters. Peace in Our Time, while controversial for its corporate funding, can really help with early setup turns.

Bloo Moose is obviously amazing in this deck (like most), with all of the throw-away events, making things like Build Script, Process Automation, Deuces Wild, and Career Fair super fun to play. Lovegood usually blanks Drug Dealer, but is useful in turns where Always Be Running doesn't seem like a good call.

The funniest thing that's happened to me with this deck is playing against Biased Reporting, which is usually good for 12+ credits for the corp, with all the resources installed from really early on here. A Scarcity of Resources Sol deck would be disastrous too, so moving a couple cards around to get a third Strike might be an idea.

It's mainly just really fun being rich, burning through cards while surveilling R&D and crushing HQ. Let me know how it goes if you try it!