Mind Theory

MetaTRex 1

Untested concept... no idea if it's going to work! Has anyone tried anything like this?

Early Overminds and Account Siphons to slow the corp down and maybe snag some points. Replicator/Inside man to get as many MU as possible. Indexing to pick the right moment for the glory run. Clone chip/Levy for recursion.

2 May 2014 x3r0h0ur

scavenge to reset overmind after you have more MU. UWC is a wasted slot, and you're way over 40 cards, which is like 50% of why you run this ID. I would drop cybersolutions, you don't have the econ for it.

-1 UWC -3 cybersolutions -1 dyson maybe?

2 May 2014 x3r0h0ur

maybe with siphon if it works well, -3 dyson -1 UWC -2 maker's eye +1 same old thing? I'd like more same old things.

2 May 2014 Thike

Honestly, I think any deck based around Over mind needs E3 Implants. They extend the life of your OMs so much.

2 May 2014 Yoshuriken

Yeah, you really need Scavenge and E3. I love the Deep Reds though, that's awesome! :)

2 May 2014 r

Yeah e3 and Scavange are probably mandatory for Overmind decks to work. Also, I wonder if this would work better with less extra memory and more recursion. I really don't like replicator decks, they feel really clunky and slow to me, though this seems to be better in that regard. This is all theorycraft anyway, so I could easily be wrong.

Also, I'm not entirely convinced that Overmind rigs are more efficient or offer more benefits than more standard ones. The main draw I can find is that you can kind of skip the mid game (the corp's strongest phase). I just don't know if it's worth it when you have to constantly recharge Overminds or install tons of mem chips. Tell us how it goes MetaTRex :)

2 May 2014 MetaTRex

Good thoughts everyone. I'm playing tonight so I'll get to test it out. I'm not expecting much but as LeoLancer said it has the potential to entirely skip the mid-game.

2 May 2014 killionaire

I greatly dislike Overmind rigs. They cost the exact same to break something as Crypsis (-1 credit) with E3. Installing E3 basically removes the cost advantage over Crypsis. So you're basically just running a Crypsis rig, that doesn't click to charge up, but instead needs to occasionally refill on counters.

I sorta would prefer just running a Crypsis datasucker rig instead. Easier to set up, since you don't need to spend actions and money to draw and install memory.