Strange Attractors

ClickZero 4

This is the Faust deck I've been playing ever since my friend Pippen and I put it together over an afternoon. It's super fun to play because you're pretty much drawing up then running with Faust, but with the necessary silver bullets to beat highly efficient corps. I have only used all three Levy AR Lab Access in one game, but you'd be surprised how quickly you go through your deck the second time, so I wouldn't want to cut it out. The Same Old Thing is there to protect the Levy, and the rest of the pieces are pretty self explanatory.

I'll usually mulligan into a Magnum Opus, or SMC and try to get the econ engine going right away. Other than that bit of set up, you're free to be pretty aggressive since you can always clone chip/levy whatever you might lose to a nasty sentry. Crescentus is the only form of denial, but it really does the trick as anything annoying for you to break with faust will be even more annoying for the corp to rez again (and again, and again, etc).

The results are surprising, and what ever options you don't have available to you immediately will be there in short order because of the deck size and amount of draw. It's very fun to play, but it's astonishingly solid!