No Prayer For The Dying - 3rd on Rio de Janeiro Store Champ

vvribeiro 816

Finally we did it! A decent championship in Rio. Besides starting too late, we had great games and a memorable afternoon. This was one of the four Jinteki decks there and lost only to one Andy, who stole the Philotic Entanglement I'd score and kill next turn taking away my two points and thus the first place.

The deck is all about the shell game. Install agendas and let them there for turns. Install an agenda, advance and protect it. Then choose not to rez the ice. Watch the runner jack out. Advance everything you can. If the runner doesn't run any traps, you'll have fuel for your Trick of Lights. Most runners won't run advanced cards, allowing you to score the Medical Breakthroughs, which really pressures your opponent leading to bad choices.

The lack of ice protecting the centrals encourages running every turn, which triggers the Cerebral Casts, leading to a win win situation. If they choose to take the damage, great! But most runners will take the tag.

Economy is Gila based and I score one 90% of my games. You won't need too much money anyway.

One thing Iearned playing this deck is: it doesn't matter if the runner is 5-6 points ahead. Just calm the fuck down and act like a winner. It surprisingly works a lot just having balls.

With the coming of Marcus Batty, I'll probably take off the Trick of Lights and change the ice a bit.

That's it. Feedback is always welcome!

PS: No one expects the Archer.

7 Jul 2015 Diegofsv

Couple of comments. Archer seems completly useless here because the runner can probably run without breakers at all. Can't understand its use even beign a suprise. I would remove it and put the third Scorched Earth, or anything else. And I really feel this deck would benefits so much with its mind game using Mushin No Shin and Trick of Light would love it too.

7 Jul 2015 vvribeiro

Archer is the element of surprise because runners get reckless against this deck. I usually ice the centrals, and for a runner with no breakers Himitsu-Bako is enough and Komainu can be deadly, specially in front of a Lockdown. Besides, it can also trash Keyholes and the two multi access programs. Once Archer is up, you basically have a turn or two to score safely, but beware of D4v1d and Inside Job.

Furthermore, I also agree on Mushin No Shin, but the deck feels so tight, it just has no more space left. Maybe if I drop a Project Junebug and a Ronin or Psychic Field.