Ginger Pancetta

ThanosPKC 148

This deck is... "Savory"
I'm not sure if it's competitive, but it's fun to play and you can tune the amount of spice you want to include. If spiciness isn't your thing, you can also slot in defensive cards like misdirection/no one home. I took a bunch of notes while trying out cards and this is the wall of text that emerged.

Deck Core

  • 1x Gingerbread - the art of artificial intelligence without artificial intelligence
    3x Panchatantra - enables Gingerbread
    3x Rezeki - you want 1-2 down early, the 3rd depends on how many panchatantra are needed since memory is a concern.
    3x Rejig - Wu ability workaround.
    2x Self-modifying Code (smc) - Wu ability workaround.
    3x Cold Read - 4 credit value when using smc or trashing assets. In a pinch, a weaker stimhack.
    3x Simulchip - Main purpose is to allow multiple use of Panchatantra. Also a Wu ability workaround.
    3x Khusyuk - the main win condition (2 cost cards).

Credit Economy

Card Economy

Early game

  • Use Rejig and Cold Read (and possibly Simulchip) to setup 2x Rezeki and 1x Panchatantra.
    Remember that once you get to 3MU, pulling an smc will require a trash, so plan accordingly so that you can get Gingerbread at some point. With a Panchatantra out, you can get through one ice by pulling a Deus X with Wu. Use this option to punish corps trying to rush out while you setup.
    When you draw your first Hostage, decide if you can afford to wait to naturally draw Beth Kilrain-Chang/Kati Jones/The Artist. If you can't wait, then my first pick order would be Artist, Kati, then Beth depending on credits. If you already have Kati or the Artist in play, then I would grab The Class Act.

Mid to Late game

Influence Choices

Other Cards to consider

  • 3x Self-modifying Code - I cut one because I don't want to draw this early, and I've found that I only really use 2 most of the time. However, adding the third back in is an option.
    1-2x "Freedom Through Equality" - not much room for 3x currents, however, including one or two of these can boost your Khusyuk runs.
    1-3x System Seizure - if a 3x current is needed, this can weakly replace Gebrsalassie's role in making large run's cheaper and doesn't cost as much as Freedom Through Equality when played early to cancel corp currents.
    1x Harmony AR Therapy - mid-late game option to recover your best cards.
    1-2x Boomerang - great card to help you get through ice layers (another 2 cost for Khusyuk).
    1-2x Net-Ready Eyes - I've found Gebrselassie more consistently useful, however +1 str can also save credits.
    1-3x Stimhack - more dangerous but powerful replacement/addition to Cold Read
    1-2x Falsified Credentials - look before you run.
    1-3x Spec Work - econ and card draw at the cost of trashing a program
    1-3x Tri-maf Contact - my original econ, use at your own risk (another 2 cost for Khusyuk).
    1-2x No One Home - tag avoidance and net dmg prevention
    1-2x Citadel Sanctuary - tag avoidance and meat dmg prevention
    3x Dinosaurus/2x Cyberdelia package - my original hardware setup had ordering issues since you want to get Dinosaurus down before you install your Gingerbread. However the +2 str can save loads of credits if you decide to go this route.

Program Options (note that viruses require SMC to pull with Wu)

  • Deus X - with Panchatantra, 2cred break all subs.
    Misdirection - tag recovery
    Chameleon - great vs low str ice, returns to hand, consider including Cybertrooper Talut
    Euler - best of the "when installed" breakers
    Analog Dreamers - puts asset spam in an uncomfortable position
    Grappling Hook - very niche tool, depends on ice meta
    Cordyceps - virus, great for moving pesky ice (border control), simulchip refill
    Clot - virus, slows Fast Advance, simulchip/smc install
    Imp - virus, trashes cards, simulchip refill
    Aumakua - virus, good overall breaker, however you'll find that Gingerbread doesn't need much help once it is set up.

If you got down this far, thanks for reading. =)