13th@Worlds, 1st@French Nats: Triple Deep Dive Sable

ryanbantwins 2753

"Who needs influence anyways?"

After Belgian Nats I knew my Conduit Aenas Lat deck was just not cutting it, and I needed an emergency backup runner for Worlds. I saw that my young Padawan AlPi had great succes with Deep Dive Lat, but I also knew I needed something more aggressive to fit my playstyle. So I decided to update an old startup deck of mine "Triple Deep Dive Sable".

It went 5-2 at the French nationals, and 6-2 at Worlds. And just to be correct, at the French nationals I was playing a Concerto instead of the third Jailbreak.

The oversimplified gameplan is to run once each turn with a run event on your mark, getting random accesses, while applying pressure and often gaining value as well. And later in the game set up the double Deep Dive turn, where you can even steal a second agenda in one those two. Which turns out to be a pretty good finisher.

Backstitching is the real MVP here, letting you face-check with impunity on your mark, as well as bypass the bigger ICE in the late game such as Brân and Pharos.

And yes, the draw is abysmal, but what else are you gonna do with your 6 clicks a turn.

19 Oct 2023 AlPi

Congrats on your worlds run! Best jedi master in the galaxy!

19 Oct 2023 Tolaasin

needs more wheels

20 Oct 2023 Cluster Fox

Well done, Brian!

4 Dec 2023 Zoehope

Hey! I just droppped by to say I played your list this weekend at a Christmassy CO and it 'sleighed'! Thanks so much, as a gift, I made an Alt Art variant of the deck here. Happy holidays.