Vegan Blacklist

NinjaDragonRider 1

A list I saw played on Twitch by TestTones ( (underscore between test and tones, can't seem to get it to work.)

It uses Marcus Batty and punishing ice in order to destroy the runners programs, and uses Oversight AI and the Blue Sun: Powering the Future Identity in order to stay ahead on money the whole game. Executive Search Firm plays a fun role of being put in your remote, then spending 2 clicks searching and installing Marcus Batty in the scoring remote, and bouncing the Executive Search Firm afterwards in order to put down your agenda. It can also search for Elizabeth Mills and Jackson Howard when necessary. Consulting Visit acts as a tutor for the 1-of operations we play, such as Ark Lockdown for the runners Paperclip or Levy, Power Shutdown, and Interns, along with the 2 currents in Scarcity of Resources and Targeted Marketing in order to keep doing our game plan in the face of Rumor Mill. Finally, Blacklist is there as a final influence because it can be game winning versus decks that try to abuse Paperclip or the final straw after you destroy their important breakers. It's not that uncommon to have 2-3 protected remote servers while playing this deck because of that card.