Understanding and Preparing for the Trends of The Future

forktines 477

Targeted Marketing is a very cool card. What it effectively does is punish the runner for being predictable, for being obsequious to the meta. Imagine bringing a Targeted Marketing intensive deck to 2015 Worlds and naming WNP every time you saw a Val or PPVP every time you saw a Kate. It'd be bonkers. People tend to innovate less at tournaments because they know what is tried and true, and what's cool is that you do too. Targeted Marketing is the only card in the game that punishes the stagnant meta itself.

But maybe you don't go to tournaments, or maybe you do, but don't keep up with the times and don't know what the new hotness is. Or maybe you play against me who once tried to make Endless Hunger work in Andromeda. It's not always so predictable.

This is where Kala Ghoda Real TV has really changed the game in terms of playing Targeted Marketing. Rather than relying on the pilot's knowledge of the current meta or understanding, based on context, what deck archetype the person across from them is most likely to be running, we can just take a peek. It takes the guesswork out of it. Yes, we've had tools for this in the past, but they're bad tools and we don't like them.

Kala Ghoda Real TV is a good tool, and we like it.

I don't want to get too much further into this Targeted Marketing review disguised as a deck description without acknowledging the deck itself;

I tweaked gumonshoe's Solo Boy and added some Kala Ghoda Real TV.

30 Jan 2016 saracenus

If seeing in the future is your game, I would also include Snoop in the mix, why stop at the card on the top of R&D, look at their entire hand.

30 Jan 2016 forktines

Snoop is a fine card, but typically the runner doesn't really care that much if the subroutine fires in my experience so it doesn't really tax them in any way, and six credits, plus whatever install cost, to scope the runner's hand seems pretty steep to me. But this deck does have the money typically. I'll try it out.

30 Jan 2016 forktines

@saracenus Snoop is a fine card, but typically the runner doesn't really care that much if the subroutine fires in my experience so it doesn't really tax them in any way, and six credits, plus whatever install cost, to scope the runner's hand seems pretty steep to me. But this deck does have the money typically. I'll try it out

1 Feb 2016 saracenus

It is more of a way to see what they have so you can lock on your Targeted Marketing (especially if they draw past the top card of R&D).

If they are stupid enough to give you a token, well that Same Old Thing they where saving for their Levey goes boom or you snipe out that cursed Armageddon Maxx is about to drop on you...