Orbital Response Teams

CodeMarvelous 20021

7 Sep 2014 temporar

Looks interesting, love to see DRT in play.

Can you please elaborate on ICE selection? Are Ice Walls worth influence points?

7 Sep 2014 Alsciende

This deck would love City Surveillance.

7 Sep 2014 CodeMarvelous

City surveillance I had in the original version but I didnt have the deck slots. Also it should be noted that a game with this deck takes forever to play.

7 Sep 2014 CodeMarvelous

the ice walls are because i wanted a cheap barrier

7 Sep 2014 Subbak

What is your strategy re: R&D/HQ access when there is a chance of Snare or TGBT? Do you always rez DRT before access if you can? Only if it fatlines if it hits? Only if the chance of the runner getting a tag is above some threshold?

7 Sep 2014 CodeMarvelous

I always rez because they it gets them to spend another run and three credits and if it doesnt kill them it usually gets rid of most of their hand. The number of times a criminal has jacked out because he doesnt want to lose his uninstalled breakers is crazy.

8 Sep 2014 Jashay

Reminds me of netrunnerdb.com It's good to see DRT getting some play; I love the card, but haven't really made it click yet.

You seem to have one more agenda point than is strictly needed; are the TGTBT's so essential that you need three?

Also, have you considered putting in some ETR ice like tollbooth to force gear checks? How does this deck fare against Whizzard?