Help for a new player, NEXT: tempo shift?

Makehate2me 7

Hello everyone this is my first post. I have only been playing for a short while but have most of the cards already (I'm really enjoying the game).

Looking around I could not find any lists that were really doing this, so I thought I would try my hand at it.

My thinking on this is that between the ABT, Victoria Jenkins, ELP, strongbox, false lead, and click through but punishing ice it could really throw off the tempo of the runner and even give them turns where they have don't have a click to spend. This gives the corp more time to set up for scoring or a flatline and makes the ice a lot more scary ( cause the can't just click through anymore). I went with NEXT because it allows for a second turn at the beginning of the game and is immune to employe strike.

This is untested in a game yet ( but when I can get together with some friends soon, it will be. I'll post how that goes) but the test draws and games that I have r un with myself have faired well so far.

I would like to know what the community thinks and any feed back on how to make it better would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

2 Feb 2016 Jashay

Okay, I see the idea. How sold are you on the Port Anson Grid? If the answer is 'I'm not', consider Custom Biotics: Engineered for Success, which are also immune to Employee Strike and have almost twice as much influence.

As general points; Zed 1.0 is bad in the best of circumstances, and you don't even have many Bioroids to trigger it.

Project Vitruvius, as a 3/2. is a better agends than Sentinel Defense Program.

You only have one target for Back Channels.

You will need a lot more money for all that ICE; Adonis Campaign is popular, as are Eve Campaign and Melange Mining Corp..

Get some ways to protect your servers; Ash 2X3ZB9CY is a good in-faction choice.

Consider going all the way on this -knocking idea by using things like Enigma or Troll.

Look at popular HB decks to see generally good ICE. Eli 1.0 and Architect were so good they got nerfed, for example.

Hope that helps, and welcome to the game!

3 Feb 2016 Makehate2me

@Jashay thanks for the ideas. I think I will make some of those changes and see if it plays any better. I was also thinking of trying to work in biotic labor for 7 strait clicks as well.

My thinking on NEXT was that I get 2 turns at the begin, but custom biotics could work well to. I'll do some testing with both. And no I'm not set on port arson grid. I just had a few influence left over.

3 Feb 2016 NatShido

I'm concerned about a few cards here, first being Victoria Jenkins. I had a conversation about anther card like her, Director Haas, and it boils down to this: why run an extra agenda in your deck you don't have to? Sure it does something cool while it's out there, but it doesn't do that cool thing from a safe place, e.g. the Scored Zone like several other cards do, and eating 5 of your already short 12 influence from NEXT. Alongside that, you're effectively running 13 agendas when you could be running 10-11.

Priority Requisition is complicated, because you want it to flip your awesome ICE, but it hurts bad to have it stolen since it's an x/3. Think about how many agendas the runner has to steal to win, which is currently 3(2 if you count taking Victoria. Consider Project Vitruvius or NAPD Contract(Even though you'd have to play around with influence).

Cerebral Overwriter is weird. If it gets run on after you advance it once or twice, you're gucci, but after that you run into this awkward bluffing scenario. If it hasn't been run on with two counters, what do you do? You can't advance it more because if you do and don't score it, it screams trap(Though if you were running Project Vitruvius it could be sweet) and they'll never run the server again. If you don't advance, though, it sends the same message. The runner asks "Why didn't they just score that card? Must be a trap" and they never run the server. Suddenly you're out 2-4 cred and however many clicks on a dead server, that you can only trash the card to free it up. If you like the style of card, you could run more overscorable cards, like Haas Arcology AI, Thomas Haas, Project Vitruvius, or Project Junebug from Jinteki(The Arcology is pretty decent btw, makes it so you can score ABT out of hand).

Strongbox strikes me as a weird Upgrade to run. Sure it kinda works well with the Biroid ICE you're running, but it goes against the unwritten "Don't Run Last Click" rule many players hold to. Honestly Ash 2X3ZB9CY would just be better, less to rez, a more relevant effect, and more expensive to trash while still protecting your installed stuff.

Finally consider how much "porous" ICE you're running: Any ICE without a subroutine "End the run". Most of yours is in NEXT ICE which is decent, but also in your super expensive Heimdall 2.0 and Wotan. Consider running more neutral ICE that only ends the run, like more Wall of Static, Rainbow, Quandary, etc, since it'll syngergize better with NEXT Design: Guarding the Net. It'll be cheaper to rez early and still protect your main servers you want to protect.

Also, no Jackson Howard? J-How is love, J-How is life.