Nasir SMC Fetch v2

Dedbelly 1

I'm new to this game and have limited cards to work with. The folks I'm playing with are at similar skill levels, so I don't need to be 100% optimized, but I'm lookng for some feedback. I'm limited to the Core Set, Creation and Control, Cyber Exodus, and Upstalk.

The idea here is that it's essentially a fetch deck that can adapt in real time to whatever the Corp is throwing down. Self-modifying Code and Personal Workshop get exactly what you need out when you need it, and also allow you to exploit pay windows for extra s using Nasir's power. Since you can fetch specific icebreakers when you need them, the frequency that with which they appear in your hand doesn't matter much. I decided to run one of each that can power up strength for a whole run, plus Parasite. Clone Chip, Test Run, and Déjà Vu are around to get SMC or a necessary Icebreaker out of the heap and back in play. Then I wanted to load up on s in order to counterbalance the downsides of Nasir, so I threw in Cloak and Cyberfeeder.

18 Feb 2015 Yziel

Pipeline is a horrible breaker, even in Nasir decks... It cost 14 credits to break an Archer <.< Since you're running Cloak anyway you might as well go with Dagger, I don't remember which pack it's in though but worst case make room for Femme or something, anything but Pipeline :P Femme works great with test run too!

Deja Vu seems a bit ineficient with so few viruses maybe switch them out for extra parasites or retrieval runs?

18 Feb 2015 king_mob

Agreed pipeline isnt great, but i would say that cloak + dagger is too shaky a set up for your only sentry breaker. If you need cloak for something else, dagger is hamstringed. If you dont have cloak, same deal.

Here is how i would set up the breaker suite:

18 Feb 2015 Dedbelly

Thanks so much for that deck list @holding! There are some choices there that I can't get my head around but I think I'll modify this deck again, start testing it, and if it doesn't work try yours. One major question I have though is why include three Cyberfeeders instead of three Cloaks? I'm not running many viruses, hence you dropping Déjà Vu, so isn't cloak effectively a cheaper version of the same card?

18 Feb 2015 king_mob

Cloak is a program, as such it 1) takes up MU, meaning you have to pay for more hardware to install other programs you want and 2) can be trashed easier. Cyberfeeder is solid in nasir, ignore the bit about installing virus programs.

18 Feb 2015 Dedbelly

Awesome I get it. Second question why 2 Corroders? Just in case one gets trashed?

19 Feb 2015 king_mob

Yeah, you always need a backup even with recursion, also corroder is something you want to see early anyway.

If you look at the breaker suite there is a lot of "backup" breakers. This is important and gives you flexibility. Cyber Cypher is cheap for instance but only works on 1 server, still amazingly strong for this, so gordian blade backs this up allowing you to run remotes with code gates in front. Mimic + datasucker with 1 token will get you through LOTS of sentries that are a problem otherwise, femme is a good back up to this combo and also allows you to bypass stuff like tollbooth (passing tollbooth for 1c without paying the 3c tax as you are not encountering it XD). Atman @str 4 is a backup for both your decoders and your killers, sometimes you may want to set atman @str 1 to deal with some pesky early game ICE, but generally go for strength 4.

Corroder is just corroder, the best back up for this with the cards you have access to is just another corroder.

Nasir's ID ability + personal workshop + stimhack will install everything you need, memchips and omni drives will give you the MU to install all of it, as well as some credits for using it all later. Snitch + net shield will allow you to run and not die instantly, this is important as one of your primary forms of early game income will be running and facechecking ICE. Later, once the corp has ICE rezzed you will find cash flow gets tricky, so this is where magnum opus, cyberfeeder and daily casts get the most use. Hold off on playing casts too early as if you run into an enigma you are walking away with 3c regardless. Toolbox is cool, but that is 9c spent better getting into servers.

Finally, you need to make your runs hurt. Having such a variable economy engine (at least until later in the game where everything is already rezzed and you have opus, after that nasirs ability just turns off and you need to make sure you are prepared for that and no longer need it) means you wont be running as much as other ID's, so multi access is important, makers eye will give you the three card money runs into RND that will make the difference.

Nasir is a fun and stressful ability to play, your doing well with understanding the synergy he requires, making some more efficient choices (in terms of what you get for what you put in, clicks+cash) in the cards you include will go a long way to making this deck really kick.

Good luck and keep at it!