Dirty Laundry - ep 3 - SquidMarvelous' Reina

CodeMarvelous 20021

This is what happens when @slysquid and @codemarvelous team up to make an econ denial Reina deck.

Watch us build it on YouTube:




16 Oct 2015 Phoenix

What is your plan for Turing on a central server?

16 Oct 2015 CodeMarvelous

Thats an excellent point. Thats why this is a test deck. realistically I would find room for two parasites or put in a single copy of yog

16 Oct 2015 x3r0h0ur

I think parasite might be MU intensive, and that Clone chips isn't as valuable without parasite AND lamprey. I could see going to 1 or 2 and adding in something like zu or another simple and cheap code gate answer like passport. Not sure though.

16 Oct 2015 x3r0h0ur

I screwed with it a little, heres where I ended up

Today at 9:25 AM
+1 Yog.0

−1 Keyhole

Today at 9:23 AM
+1 Vigil

−1 Faust

Today at 9:23 AM
+3 Crescentus

+1 Self-modifying Code

+2 Faust

−1 Mimic

−3 Clone Chip

−1 Wanton Destruction

−1 Day Job

netrunnerdb.com The chips are great for lamprey, but i think deja, even if doubling as siphon recursion, is enough to get them back enough times, and without more targets the inf feels better used on crescentus, which is an awesome denial tool. The SMC helps you find lampreys earlier, find Keyhole earlier, and any 1-of breaker you might need. Its easier to chain lampreys with it mostly though.

The yog is great for small ice (all they can afford to rez) to blank them, and solves Turing on central problems (d4v1d for remotes of course). Faust looked good at first, but you lack sufficient draw, plus you want your cards.

I could see dropping 1 liberated over 1 day job instead too (lower startup cost so better vs closed accounts).

16 Oct 2015 CodeMarvelous

Yea I think one yog is all this deck needs

16 Oct 2015 CJFM

Very similar to my deck. We experimented with all of the cards you're working with. Lamprey was a trap most of the time; Wanton is unnecessary. I like Hacktivist, personally, and it might be correct to have a few nowadays.


I like the Injects and glad you added a yog, but you don't need 3x SOT, really. No plascrete is pretty ballsy nowadays. Butchershop can scorch through your IHW.

Some people other people were also on-board the Keyhole train, getting results too! I'm still a fan of medium, but keyhole is fine.

Enjoyed the episode! Looking forward to seeing it piloted :)

16 Oct 2015 sruman

With 24/7 murderville about to be a common corp, I would echo the suggest from cjfm and even go -1 IHW, -1 SoT, +2 plascrete since you cannot rely on the economic advantage to prevent the kill anymore.

17 Oct 2015 RetroVirus

I've been playing a very similar deck for the past few weeks, and found the two main weaknesses to be dealing with Turing and Caprice. Having no decoder for Turing is a real problem when the corp is installing and scoring out of that server multiple turns in a row. Caprice also messes heavily with Keyholing R&D since you can't access her if you're using Eater to get in. The only recompense for that was Parasite on R&D ICE multiple times over and Cutlery events in my experience. I think adding a Yog.0 solves part of the issue, maybe w/ datasuckers.

Aside from these issues, I've had a lot of fun running the Corp dry with Vamp and taxing ICE rezzes w/ Crescentus recursion. If Corp's poor, nothing's stopping you from hitting the Keyhole button until you win. Good luck with it!

8 Nov 2015 siahofmars

@CodeMarvelous @x3r0h0ur don't you feel that hacktivist meeting sort of Works against Vigil? just a small thought . love the episodes keep more coming! i would like to see the games u play with this deck on an episode and also playing Apex, i have been building him alot.

8 Nov 2015 x3r0h0ur

Not really most rezzes happen on your turn, after it triggers.