Quick as Mercury

trevmex 34

My first Runner deck!

11 Mar 2024 maninthemoon

You asked for suggestions in ECG.

First thought is 11 ice breakers is much more then necessary I'd play 2 copies of each reg breaker and maybe one Mayfly then supplement with 1-2 Mutual Favors. More draw suggested below also helps here.
I don't think Monkeywrench is very strong and you should probably be playing one at most.
I would consider adding Banner as that synergizes well with Mercury: Chrome Libertador.
You have only 2 ways to bypass cards so 3x Capybara seems excessive?
I would try to include more draw 3rd Verbal Plasticity maybe some VRcation.
Hermes is really strong and synergizes well with Mercury: Chrome Libertador.
This deck could also use more cards that generate "real credits" as in credits in your credit pool (ie Overclock doesn't count). Fermenter is an extremely strong option there, but there are a few other options you could consider.
Tread Lightly might also be worth considering as a 1-2x trick to help get in places.
With more draw 2x Eru Ayase-Pessoa is probably enough.

Mercury: Chrome Libertador is a super fun ID exciting place to start.

11 Mar 2024 trevmex

Thanks for the comments! I made an updated deck at netrunnerdb.com

Will play it this week!