Valencia's Prepaid Wyldside v1.3

jfaulkner8 55

I've been working on this deck for a while now. Please give me some feedback.

Mulligan for a Wyldside. Blow through your huge deck with Adjusted Chronotype, Wyldside and Vigil. Use Levy AR Lab Access if the game runs long.

Blackmail remotes while your setting up your breakers. Use Investigative Journalism on turns when your draw didn't give you much, the extra credits for every run is huge.

I'm considering removing Levy AR Lab Access - Most of the time the game ends before I get through 50 cards, but I'm afraid to take away my safety net. Not so sure the cutlery cards are worth it either, but it sure is nice having the option.

11 Apr 2015 Phoenix

Feels maybe a little light on econ, particularly with the pumpable breakers. If you don't think the cutlery is worth it, maybe ditch them for 3 Dirty Laundry? or even 3 Kati Jones so you have sustainable as well as burst econ?

With all the bad publicity, have you considered Itinerant Protesters? Yes it is a little crutch, but I have found it great Scorched Earth/Punitive Counterstrike defence.

Also (more a question than anything else), what are your typical Déjà Vu targets?

11 Apr 2015 jfaulkner8

@Phoenix I usually dump Levy AR Lab Access, Medium, and Nerve Agent in the trash til I need them later and Déjà Vu them back out. I think you're right about the econ. Here's what I've changed:

-2 Day Job - Too many 4 click turns with Investigative Journalism

-All Cutlery

-1 Investigative Journalism

+3 Dirty Laundry

+3 Daily Casts