Who Called For The Power Rangers? (Post-Rotation)

Mezuzi 131

Fun fact - there have been around 850 episodes of the Power Rangers since its original release! We showcase the top 15 of them here (as well as 3 bonus episodes)!

This was a deck that was born out of a discussion on Jinteki.net on trying to make Dedicated Response Team work post rotation - here is my take on such a deck.

I'm happy with the results so far, though this deck might be better with Mr. Stone instead of Dedicated Response Team (or just dropping the idea altogether and go all in on the ID), but a challenge is a challenge! I'm also unsure of using Estelle Moon as my restricted card, though without her the deck can get rather tight on credits and draw if the runner is diligent in trashing everything - Hunter Seeker would be a good alternative as agendas are being stolen at a rather slow trickle for very few points thanks to the ID.

Link doesn't matter since the only trace in the deck is through Data Raven, which has its on-encounter tag anyways. Besides, we need the credits to advance cards and pay for Prisec and Dedicated Response Team, not for landing tags (that we mostly don't care about).

Prisec is the main MVP here, pulling triple duty as a source of tags for Quantum Predictive Model and Dedicated Response Team, protection for important assets or agendas and pretending to be said asset or agenda. With Employee Strike on the restricted list, the ID actually kicks in very often, acting as multi-access protection against stuff like Gang Sign and can grind out the slow game of winning by placing two agendas, advancing one of them and letting the runner steal the other.

Stock Buy-Back has always been one of my favorite cards, and with News Team helping pad out those sweet, sweet credits to advance everything, it deserves its spot in the deck even more. 15 - 20 credits in the mid-game really sets you up for the rest of the game.

The All-Seeing I is there just to punish floating tags with Cyberdex Virus Suite being tech against the popular Turtle and Tapwrm. Though honestly, I could see both these cards being replaced with Closed Accounts or some currents like Scarcity of Resources or Enforced Curfew as a tech against Employee Strike should it rise again. I also float quite a bit of money by the end game - I might throw that on Hard-Hitting News and see how it performs and replace The All-Seeing I with it.