SG-only: "Big Rig" Tāo (v2)

Electriotto 92

Tāo Salonga was the first runner ID I used when getting into Netrunner, so this System Gateway-only Shaper deck holds a special place in my heart!

Starting with CritHitd20’s Planning Ahead (SG Only), I made a few tweaks:

  • added Mutual Favor to field a full suite of breakers more quickly
  • dropped Tread Lightly (Shapers take longer to ramp up than Criminals; multiple pieces of ICE may have already been rezzed by the time you draw this card)
  • added Overclock to help with economy on more difficult runs
  • dropped one copy of Pantograph
  • added Docklands Pass (so HQ is more viable as an alternative central server target, rather than hitting R&D with Conduit all the time)
  • dropped one copy of Smartware Distributor (click-intensive + low payout for a drip economy card)
  • replaced Tranquilizer (takes too long + a wealthy Corp can re-rez) with Botulus (more immediate impact on key runs)

With these changes, this SG-only Tāo deck felt more consistent to play.