Lockpicked Astrofracter - Fat Ogre Games SC 3rd Place

Trackrise 1

Played by Trackrise at the Fat Ogre Store Championship for 2015 along side Jinteki: Replication Perfection.

I love this deck. It was my very first Store Championship (or any Netrunner Tournament), so I made a lot of mistakes. The deck, however, I am convinced is solid.

Astrolabe makes finding those Lockpicks and Refractors a hell of a lot faster, and even then, getting them out isn't usually a problem. I was surprised by how fast my rig built itself up. Having three stealth credits and a pool of about 3 or 4 credits was always generally enough to get through any ice or server. Magnum Opus is only meant to be a temporary money gain, and it works out. With the Magnum out, you can build a little bit faster, or buffing your credit pool before a run.

Scrubbed really meant to just be a current and save you stealth credits, since I feel that those are a lot more precious (you want to keep those Ghost Runner credits! I've stolen many a NAPD contract that they thought I couldn't because of 'em).

During the tournament, I managed to rid someone of an Enchanced Login, but I had accessed another in their hand. My stupid self then decided to dig for another lockpick, and I trashed the Scrubbed when I had to discard, forgetting about it. The deck always gave me what I needed, but I could have done a lot better at using those tools ><

And at any rate, this deck is still a whole lot of fun :)

3 Mar 2015 Ber

Why do you have Scrubbed in here? I'm trying to figure out why you would spend influence on that rather than just use the arguably better in-faction Net Celebrity.

3 Mar 2015 Trackrise

Huh. I think you're right. I missed Net Celebrity completely. I just had two influence that I did not know what to spend on. But I wanted a current just to trash other currents.

Though which one is better may be up for debate. Net Celebrity would save you a credit a turn, but the hope behind Scrubbed is that it'll save you a stealth credit each turn, on Ghost Runner and such, since they tend to be more precious.

Though they may end up being just as useful, and a Net Celebrity would save up two influence. At least that's what it looks like to me on the surface.