Reina - Tournament

chiefyk 56

25 Feb 2014 bot2563

Why playing Force of Nature?

25 Feb 2014 x3r0h0ur

it looks like he wants boostable breakers. This appears to be a "back to basics" type build. Given the free credits from spinal and cyberfeeder, and with cyberfeeder, the whole build might actually run fairly cheap. I do find the lack of medium/nerve agent disturbing.

25 Feb 2014 chiefyk

Yeah I'm working around a "back to basics" style deck. I've had some good success with it so far. It just needs a lot more play testing.

Force of Nature isn't actually that bad when you have Spinal Modem or a couple of Cyberfeeders in play, it can run very cheaply.

The main issue was Ninja costing 4 or 5 to break tiny Sentries, which is why I have Mimic as my backup "money-saving" breaker.

I've recently switched to a slightly different version of this deck running Whizzard, it can get going pretty quickly, and the economy is strong.

Like I said though, more play testing is required.