Icemon: Trash them all

ryson282 8

Sorry for the stupid joke in the title ^_^

So this deck is another Noise trashing deck.


  • Aesop synergises with a lot of cards: Daily Cast, Imp, Bank Job, Armitage and even no longer necessary programs (datasucker, hemorrage or medium). It is also usefull to turn off Wyldside when needed.
  • Armitage for recovery
  • Daily Cast
  • Sure Gamble
  • Cyberfeeder are there to install viruses (9 cards) and break ices with knights

Draw engine:

  • Wyldside (can be turned off by Aesop)
  • Quality time
  • Djin (for tutoring both datasucker & parasite)


  • Facecheck ice & kill it with clonechip=> parasite + datasucker counter.
  • The knight are there to apply early pressure and break ice you could not parasite for some reason.
  • Grimoire is there for the extra mu + virus support (9 cards).
  • Déjà vu can recur any card but are mostly there for parasite.
  • Medium + Demolition run rocks on R&D if not too protected. It is even better if you have Imp installed. (I once got 6 point in turn 1 by checking the R&D with the medium-demorun combo)
  • The theory behind hemorrhage is to have something to attack HQ but I am not convinced.

I have played 3 games with this deck and did not loose a single one (yet!)

I am considered dropping;

  • one deja vu because 3 seems like overkill (combined with the 3 clone ships)
  • one hemorrhage because I have enough thing to do between my parasites & my knights to spend 1 clicks each two runs to trash an additional card.

But I have not any idea on how to replace that. Maybe 2x Kraken or 2x Surge ? I have the feeling that Surge would be more flexible...

Any feedback is welcome !