Reading, UK Store Championship 2015 1st Place - Brendan J

johno 600

Went 3-2 in Swiss and 2-1 in elimination

8 Feb 2015 Oisin

Interesting. What problems did you run into?

8 Feb 2015 Brendan

The usual: R&D interface to enable efficient pressure in the lategame (usually with a Kati Jones fuelling runs), and early runner aggression without the Punatives in hand, for the most part.

It's primarily this deck:

8 Feb 2015 Oisin

Cool, thanks. I like the versatility here--either try and score out like a traditional glacier or land a kill combo. Did you see enough Keyhole/Eater/Account Siphon to play a Crisium Grid or two?

8 Feb 2015 sruman

Good to see that Blood Angels can still win tournaments. Love the deck idea but keep thinking it will become less and less viable as Weyland grows and more people auto-include 2 plascretes and/or Ive-had-worse's. I'm guessing that most didn't suspect and went ahead and chucked that "useless" card?

Also, did you run into many decks heavily utilizing the silverware? I used the NeXT ice in many decks over the last months but parasites were bad enough at undercutting them, eater + silverware I feared greatly.

8 Feb 2015 Brendan

@Oisin This deck probably out-taxes Eater too much for Eater/Keyhole to be a threat. It certainly wasn't a big deal in the limited testing I did beforehand.

@sruman Cutlery is less worrying than Parasites - it's a very specific card for the target ice. Some decks did play out Plascrete - of the three flatlines, one was a triple Punitive through a Plascrete and a four card hand. Another was a surprise: the last thing cards they saw after clicking/braining themselves to legwork through the Heimdall 1.0 was a Punitive and a Priority Req. The final flatline was a topdecked second Punitive after the runner went broke Sneakdooring through a Femmed Tollbooth. Sometimes you just get the pair before they expect it and haven't taken precautions.

9 Feb 2015 sruman

Triple punitive hit? Wow, impressive given the runner only had to beat 1 of the traces (and you'd have to guarantee them all), they must have been very broke :) What's your thought on the 1 biotic? Scoring out the 6+7th point or for enabling punitive plays (maybe triple punitive through archived memories :)

How did the demonstrations preform? They always seem to come into my hand too late in the game for me to be able to use them in a timely manner because runners only making runs they can succeed with.

9 Feb 2015 Brendan

Biotic is indeed for closing out the game. In hindsight, I should have run 3 Vitruvius instead of 3 ABT (this is the original decklist Cerberus posted). This enables plays like Biotic, 4x Punitive, or Biotic-Biotic, score 3 pointer from facedown on the table. But the Biotic did close out one game, and it forces Shapers to at least think about making a run rather than just remote snipe.

Successful Demonstration is a great card, particularly with Tollbooth. (Data Raven is the other card it is amazing with.)

9 Feb 2015 Brendan

I made a mistake above - four flatlines on the day. Two were surprises when the runner had no Plascrete, one was through a Plascrete, and one was getting a double Punative unexpectedly early (topdecking the second one, in fact).