MAD Pig quarantined at AMT - 2nd at Feb AMT

Porkobolo 301

This is the deck i brought at the Feb AMT, and even if i'm really happy for playing the final against @TheKing, i have to say that this list is not refined - i've built it 2 hours before the tournament, and i've done better with Arisanna, that is a runner that i know very well (and brought me to 19th place ad EMEA, even if the list was different).


If you're a dreamer like me, feel free to play it and maybe refine it yourself. The concept is easy: rush them or MAD them. Most of the cards are here for kicking Audrey/Botolus (there are too many Anarchs, please save us NSG), Quarantine System is my secret spice to rez everything faster and going for the MAD.


3 Feb 2024 GameOfDroids

A strong showing for something you whipped up at the last moment. Just some slightly better draw luck and Reg Caps would've closed it for you.