Rez-istance is Futile

andrewboydston 126

The basic idea of this deck is to deny the corp any chance to rez ice by making it prohibitively expensive, and then shutting down whatever ice they do manage to rez. With upping rez cost in mind, I packed in 2x Xanadu and 3x Rooks, and 3x Crescentus to derez any ice the corp DOES manage to rez. Because I'm including 3x Rook, Deep Red was a must, and I have Knight+e3 to break anything that manages to get rezzed. I went with Crescentus over emergency shutdown because it is easy to recur with Deja Vu and even mid-run with Clone Chip. With Knight being the primary breaker, i did pack in 1x mimic, just in case the corp is packing Swordsman.

My econ is partially inspired by Street Chess, thus I included 3x Pawn and 3x Scheherazade so every successful run can get me a credit. The Pawns serve double duty as the can also help recur any Caissa pieces that may get trashed.