Fear them Asses - Mill Cakes

x3r0h0ur 8956

Looking to build out a Fear the Masses mill deck, Maxx and wyldside give you good odds on drawing them into hand, faust does faust stuff ensuring an access (could try eater too), and the doubles are a goofy way to get quick and easy econ that the deck needs (and it doesn't need much) to get to work. I think 3 public sympathy is probably right, and we coudl possibly also look at 1-2 Bhagat to add a mill per first FTM.

Wanton adds to the trash pile, and keeps you alive through kill decks since you're not rich and don't have kill protection. So play careful, and attack kill pieces.

Sure it has some weaknesses to common deck types, but this is just a starting point.

23 Jun 2016 tzeentchling

I feel Eater is the better card than Faust here. Both Fear the Masses and Wanton Destruction trigger on instead-of-access, which is what Eater is designed for. That means a change in your setup, and pushes it closer to the Account Siphon/Keyhole decks.

The bigger issue is just MaxX milling all your Fear's into the heap before you can play them - I think needing to have several in your hand to be good makes her less optimal in this regard.

23 Jun 2016 x3r0h0ur

With inject and wyldside and maxx you draw far more than you mill. Also the 2 milled cards could just be thinning your deck so you can find the FtM. See the millstone fallacy. In testing you draw sufficent ftm faster and more consistently than just normal draw packages. also with 2xlevy and tropes you get plenty of shots at FtM.

On eater, you run into crisum and cash issues, as well as temote threats (singularity is expensive).

24 Jun 2016 bubbathegoat

You have both Yog.0 and Mimic, but no Datasucker or D4v1d, I feel like you want at least one or the other to deal with large sentries/code gates; Faust is a bad matchup for Assassin and Ravana 1.0.

I think you could also benefit from Keyhole, since that allows you to apply your mill pressure on two different servers.

I've played a lot of decks that win out of Archives (by DLR, Keyhole, or Noise), and in all cases the 1x Hades Shard wins a lot of games. I think any deck with a serious mill attack should include the shard to steal the win when the corp threatens to score out.

I love Queen's Gambit -> Singularity. It's a hilariously fun combo. Unfortunately, Singularity is so expensive (4c and 2 clicks? ugh) I can't see using it when you could access instead, since you aren't using Eater.

What is all of the credit economy used for if your breakers are fixed-strength and Faust? You get extra economy from bad pub via Frame Job, but I don't know that you need all of these credits (can bad pub power Vamp?). I think Eater may be a better fit, but I'm a sucker for degenerate Keyhole/Wanton/Siphon/Vamp/Singularity combos with Eater.

24 Jun 2016 x3r0h0ur

You're not winning out of archives, its the same principle as Minh Maxx, only probably a little quicker (if less dependable). You're winning on mill. With 3 natural and inject, you can basically break anything. Essentially you're ignoring remotes that faust can't get into, which are basically 0 without turing.

Frame job is never to be played, its Nap fodder.

There shouldn't be a whole lot of credits, as its all even fueled econ, which is super transient. The econ was balanced towards install costs and events only, not really for breaking ice (which is why you have faust). In a few games of testing with keyhole, it was superfulous to just doing your best to get more FtM into hand, and landing more FtM. You're not looking to make a bunch of runs, just a few high impact (4+ mills).

24 Jun 2016 GrantZilla1979

What would you think about 3x Spoilers to keep up passive milling pressure?

25 Jun 2016 Raga

This is my take on a similar idea, only using Rebirth and Val to enable Blackmail sniping ://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/35989/eating-the-masses

3 Jul 2016 corbeil93

Great deck LOVE IT!! Played it 3-4 games since I saw it. I lost only 1 game, and I scored 6 agendas... I was just wondering what do you do if corp puts up to 4 ICES on HQ? Do you have any back up plan? I don't see any Apocalypse to remove those annoying ICES.. Played only against Jinteki Biotech: Life Imagined, SYNC (my lost..) NEH. What happen against HB or Weyland? Thanks for this AWESOME deck! I will follow you to see any update on your deck!