Wotub 1.3

westonodom 1120

This is the current version of the HB deck that I took to worlds (link with description and comments).

I've only made a couple of modifications, namely Cyberdex Virus Suite for Archer surprises and "protecting" archives against non-criminals, Chronos Project for MaxX/Shaper/Noise/basically everyone hate.

13 Feb 2015 nobo


This list.

Tell me, eager criminal; What is your answer for a Wotan on a central? Femme? Okay, that's fair. Now tell me, how you are paying to trash that Sansan sitting in the remote? Hmm...

Maybe you decide to trash Toybox before it does any damage. That's solid, except there better not be a Sleepers scored. Now you have to play around Archer and go find your Faeries, because if you facecheck that or an Architect you're back to square one. But don't move to slow! The NEXT machine is building up, and those servers are getting taxing. Is it FA or glacier? Boom! you took to long to find out. Game over.

This list is the reason I run (3) Inside Jobs. This list is the reason why "I love trashing Toyboxes" was my motto for two straight months. This list is the reason why I don't sleep as well as I used to...

Because every face down is an Archer.

And Wotan is just sitting there.

Chillin' in his tub...

13 Feb 2015 Hockmanm08

Digging this build. What has been rough matchups for you with this deck thus far in your testing?

13 Feb 2015 CodeMarvelous

just out of curiosity why do you run domestic sleepers and eliza, just so you can guarantee the archer rez?

13 Feb 2015 juliandark

I would either go with sleepers OR eliza, not both. And vith Leela not being that bad I'd be more inclined to drop sleepers.

But a solid EtF deck, not many operations(vs Edward), no janky combo you have to hold in your hand (Edward or wanton destruction) and has fast advance options (vs Valencia blackmail) ... will do fine vs the anarch onslaught that is post O&C netrunning.

13 Feb 2015 westonodom

@Hockmanm08 - What has been rough matchups for you with this deck thus far in your testing?

The cards I like seeing the least are D4v1d, Emergency Shutdown, Crescentus, and to some degree Rook. This deck usually operates on a relatively small amount of of credits (<12) unless the runner lets me have a full Adonis Campaign, but having to rerez ice, especially having to double-rex Archer, can be a pain. Leela can be annoying but you learn to play around her (for example, don't fast advance an agenda with only 1 ice on R&D/HQ, etc.).

@CodeMarvelous - just out of curiosity why do you run domestic sleepers and eliza, just so you can guarantee the archer rez?

Pretty much that, yes. Getting an early Toybox and either Archer or Wotan basically shuts off the runner's early game on that server, which gives you time to setup. Waiting for Domestic Sleepers can put you at risk of not being able to rez Archer soon enough. Truth be told, I sac 2-pointers pretty regularly if it's going to trash some breakers.

Additionally, with a trash cost of 4, Toybox forces the runner make a touch econ choice early-game. Sometimes I'll drop Toybox with a SanSan City Grid in hand, putting the runner in a situation where they can leave Toybox and let me rez Archer, or trash it and give me a window to drop SanSan City Grid and score the next turn. Making the runner spend 4 credits on turn one or two is really good, especially if you've already rezzed ice with it and they still have to trash it.

@juliandark I would either go with sleepers OR eliza, not both. And vith Leela not being that bad I'd be more inclined to drop sleepers.

See my comments to @CodeMarvelous above. Additionally, Domestic Sleepers isn't just for Archer. I use it for points in a good number of my games. Being able to score what is essentially a 2/1 agenda from hand for 1 credit is great. That said, I am testing a version that swaps 1 Domestic Sleepers for an Eli 1.0. I'm not sure which I'll go with yet.

13 Feb 2015 SlayerCNV

j...just 15 ices. This hurts my HB's soul.

13 Feb 2015 westonodom

@SlayerCNV - This version of the list has 16 actually, and like I said above I'm also trying a version that swaps one Domestic Sleepers for an Eli 1.0, bringing it up to 17. I haven't found the number to be an issue - many fast advance decks run with a lower ice count.

13 Feb 2015 slevin38

I've been playing a version of this deck. I took out an Archer for 2 Crisium for MaxX. I also run 2 Gila Hands for economy since they are so good in HB.

13 Feb 2015 westonodom

@slevin38 I took out an Archer for 2 Crisium for MaxX. I also run 2 Gila Hands for economy since they are so good in HB.

Yea, I've thought about that too. I decided I'd try Chronos Project to combat some of that, but in the end your approach may be better. I definitely agree about Gila Hands Arcology being great. Have you played many games with your Crisium version?

13 Feb 2015 slevin38

I only played one store championship with it and I did miss the Archer and Domestic I took out for it. I have to test it more. You haven't tried it yourself, have you?

13 Feb 2015 ctz

The only bad thing about this deck is the amount of panties that get stuck in the tub.

13 Feb 2015 westonodom

@slevin38 - No, I haven't tried Crisium Grid in it yet. I need to spend more time testing the different versions and actually record some data to see how they compare.

13 Feb 2015 slevin38

@weezeface Sounds like a plan. I am trying to test new decks since clot supposedly comes out in the next datapack. But I am curious to see your data when you get it!

14 Feb 2015 ItJustGotRielle

There doesn't seem to be any AI hate here- I know I'm niche but the Edward Kim deck I'm playing lately seems like it would really put the screws to you. With 15 ice and spending full turns to rez a Wotan, precise multi-access seems like it could get through. As soon as Domestic Sleepers is scored Archer is online, because why else would you run them :P

With Imp and drip econ it seems one could deal with Adonis and leave you clicking for credits often. How do you stay afloat considering you're paying for Biotic and Sansan?

14 Feb 2015 westonodom

@ItJustGotRielle With Imp and drip econ it seems one could deal with Adonis and leave you clicking for credits often. How do you stay afloat considering you're paying for Biotic and Sansan?

The main thing is that I'm not trying to win fast. It definitely happens sometimes if the cards fall right, but usually I build up somewhat slowly, often, like you expect, installing a card then clicking for money twice. While it is a fast advance deck, I believe that this deck can have a stronger late-game than NEH variants and I think this allows me to build money a little slower.

On a related note, I've played a few more games with Chronos Project now and I'm not really convinced that it's better than Gila Hands Arcology. In the best case it probably is, but in the average and worst cases I think being able to click for an extra credit may be better. I'll probably slot them back in. (tagging @slevin38 since that's relevant to his version)

14 Feb 2015 westonodom

@ItJustGotRielle - Parasite can be (or at least has been) a much bigger problem. I often rely on the NEXT ice to hold me over until I can get more online, so losing them early can be really bad.

14 Feb 2015 SlayerCNV

None could play HB since next is will be come from! She will be the strongest for each archetype u decide to use!

14 Feb 2015 nobo

@SlayerCNV that's what I've been saying all along.

16 Feb 2015 slevin38

@weezeface I won a local tournament with my Crisium Grid version here in NY today. I don't think I could've done so without the Gila Hands Arcology. I have posted my version netrunnerdb.com if you're interested. Awesome deck idea by the way :). I love it, and it will make me sad when Clot comes out

16 Feb 2015 westonodom

@slevin38 -Thanks for posting your list! The more I think about it the more I agree about Gila Hands Arcology being the right choice for the last two agenda slots. Sometimes you go to 0 to rez an ice or FA out an agenda, and getting back to 4 in one turn is crucial - you can rez Mother Goddess, Archer, and Architect.

With Eater Madness (Eater, Keyhole, Account Siphon) still being in full swing I think I'll try out a hybrid of our versions soon - with Crisium Grid but also dropping maybe one or two ice from yours for Cyberdex Virus Suite. I haven't tested it a lot in relevant games yet but the times I have it's been great and I wanna keep looking at it.

How are you liking Janus 1.0? I've thought about it a couple times but so far haven't convinced myself to run it. It's got the plus of being a sentry to possibly burn Faerie and also isn't unique (a feature of Wotan that comes up sometimes). I think I may try it out with one of each.

16 Feb 2015 slevin38

@weezeface I put in the Janus after I once triggered an ABT and hit a Wotan and Mother Goddess, when I already had one of each rezzed. Obviously this won't happen often. But from my experience, it scares the runner a lot. I have only had one person take brain damage ever from it. A MaxX player yesterday took the brain because he knew I would win next turn if he didn't. Janus is also good against Quetzal where Wotan is nothing to her/him. Most people just ignore Janus servers, unless they have a Deus X. I haven't had any virus issues. I am fine seeing Noise on the other side of the table. Other virus based builds don't seem to be as popular in my meta at least.

17 Feb 2015 SlayerCNV

meet 2 times and win 2 times. I hope more people will think this is strong.

3 Mar 2015 weepinggorilla

I noticed you dropped one Eli from your previous build -- do you ever miss it?

3 Mar 2015 westonodom

@weepinggorilla - Nope, I don't. It's my least favorite rezzable ice to get in my opening hand, and late-game I'd rather have just about anything else, too. My most current build actually went to 2x Domestic Sleepers and 2x Eli 1.0, which is still down one (originally I had 3x Eli 1.0). I think it's an okay number.

3 Mar 2015 juliandark

I played this deck quite a lot and I like it. It's not overly strong versus the traditional runners, but I changed it to include Crisium grid and it is very strong versus the new Anarch runners. Fast Advance and Elizas ruins Valencia, it doesn't have many operations so that's ok with Kim and Crisium is really nasty to deal with for Eater Maxx. So in current O'n'C happy meta it works quite well. At least it seemed so to me.

3 Mar 2015 weepinggorilla

What are folks dropping to include Crisium?

3 Mar 2015 westonodom

I didn't drop anything - I'm not running it. I haven't seen enough that it would help against to justify dropping anything. I even went back to Gila Hands Arcology from Chronos Project and I'm very happy about it.

3 Mar 2015 juliandark

I've dropped one archer to include two Crisiums. To repair the number of eliza targets I included one Heimdall 2.0 as a substitute and dropped two sleepers to make room, which isn't working as well as I would have hoped, so I dropped the third as well. I am still torn on gila vs chronos. I was even thinking of putting the sleepers back in and running a 4/2 in place of two 3/1.

4 Mar 2015 weepinggorilla

Played a few games with this and I'm enjoying it, I think the card it benefits from most is Shell Corporation, since this deck has real money problems. It's excellent for holing up with a Toybox in that very-hard-to-access remote. I dropped one Domestic Sleepers and one Cyberdex Virus Suite to add two Shell Corporation. I also subbed 2 Gila Hands for those Chronos Project slots, but am considering going to 1 Gila and 1 Chronos, because it really wrecks quite a few decks, especially MaXx, who can be a problem for this deck in general.

Great list! A little slow for my taste, but it gets the job done!

4 Mar 2015 westonodom

@weepinggorilla - That's interesting. I tried Shell Corporation for one tournament and really disliked it. That said, Chronos Project was a short-term include and as I mentioned in a comment above I have since went back to Gila Hands Arcology.

The pacing is good to mention - it's highly variable depending on draw and the runner. Sometimes it's super speedy, but sometimes games can go longer, too. Not too long, though - I've never had issues with going to time.

6 Mar 2015 juliandark

Shell Corporation is really only worth it for decks that have a trap that can protect it or punish the runner for trashing it. in any other deck it is a waste of space imo, for HB it is much better to install+gila for a net gain of 4c per turn. Also your economy comes mainly from protected Adonic campaigns, if you feel you could use more, perheps include two Eve Campaigns instead of the shell corp.

8 Mar 2015 weepinggorilla

Hmmm. I'm just having trouble with fitting all this stuff into a single remote (Eliza's + Adonis + Agendas) That's why I thought shell corp might work better. Are folks setting up multiple protected remotes with this deck?