完全 2.1

Cardinalis 1

Played this in my first tournament and also the first time I played against strangers. Went 2-2, so not too bad. I don't have True Colors so I can't put any Shock! in and I don't know what I'd replace.

I took some advice from @Dydra and took out the Chairman and replaced my Viktor 1.0. Still considering taking out one Susan.

My MVPs were House of Knives and Sundew...

19 May 2014 Dydra

I'd put 1-2 Inazuma and take out the Enigmas either for Tollbooth or Quandary (depends how much money you have in this deck).

Also when you get the shocks, replace the 3 Snares for them. Stack Shock and Shi.kyuu in archives and enjoy. Also not sure why you have ronnin. Might worth it to put 2 Jackson Howard on their place to have control over archives =)