Sick Cakes

xanarax 138

Every cook and their dog are making Devil Cakes decks, here's my Noise version.

Nothing really special about this honestly.

Card Choices:

With the removal of clone chip, Noise's reliance on breakers have gone up, getting Faust ASAP is very important now. Mimic and Corroder are for architect and Wraparound. However I argue that you don't need to take them, infact I've been playing this deck without them for the past couple of weeks and getting a lot of work out of D4v1d for wraparound and just breaking Architect with Faust and Datasucker.

2 Plascretes is a meta call, if you really wanted you could swap them both for I've Had Worse, but I don't want my flatline determined by chance. Going to 1 is okay if you think you can deal with convenience shop.

Levy AR gives you a longer game and means you can install all your viruses all over again, and break ICE with Faust until the sun sets, Deja Vu can get it if thrown in the bin, you could free up a slot or 2 and maybe take Same Old Thing if you're really worried about it turning up on Street Peddler or something similar. It's been fine for me.

You might be thinking "No clot?". Yeah Clot is useless without clone chip. NEH is worse off from MWL than most decks any way. I tried to take 2 clots to increase the chance of getting them on street peddler with little to no success.

Lamprey can help get on top of their economy while getting HQ access, but typically is a win more card. Even if you don't get use out of it, it's always an R&D trash and 2 credit profit from Pawnshop. Bonus points if the corp purges next turn giving you a free turn.

Yes in a Cyberdex Virus Suit meta this deck will suffer, sell up your viruses and install them again. With Levy you'll outlast the corp if you can keep on top of them from scoring.

So you have a couple of cards to shuffle around, I'd say they are Mimic, Corroder and 2 Lamprey. I've tried Nerve Agent and a 3rd Lamprey and worked fine.


You want tempo. Mulligan for Wyldside or possibly Street Peddler. Getting cache and Pawnshop in a hand might overrule that, but you'll need to spend a bit of time drawing to get into Wyldside, but the economic boost might turn that around. You still need to get on top of their assets so use Imp every turn if possible even if it means forfeiting a couple of draws.