Fight Night Corp Deck 3

matryx 15

Corp Deck 3 for my group's randomised Fight Night.

With a focus massively on economy denial the plan here was to make the runner frustrated at being inefficient.

Threatening tags a lot with Data Raven and Snatch and Grab hopefully pushing the runner into believing you're aiming to use Scorched Earth - but the deckslots for those went to the more deserving Reversed Accounts

Smoke and mirrors really, using Architect to recurr the Reversed Accounts and your own economy should put you in a very strong position quite quickly.

Pair up Heinlein Grid with Eli 1.0 and Viper for an extra sting to their credit pools, just don't forget to res Heinlein Grid before they start spending those clicks.

Your worst match up will be against Whizzard who will just laugh at the 3 trash cost of everything you use.