Valencia Keyhole

Elandil84 2

This is my first published deck. Feel free, and please do, critique.

I built this deck with the goal of controlling an end game easily by being able to have a strong enough economy (bad publicity with prepaids) and efficient breakers to get four cards to Archives with 4 runs with Keyhole most turns, and triggering endgame at will with Hades Shard. I also wanted to be able to make the corp not feel safe with advancing by using cutlery in conjunction with targeted runs with Lemuria Codecracker and Eater. The forced rezzing with Blackguard is my fast advance deterrent, keeping the corp poor somewhat beyond their control. Mimic is present due to the existence of Swordsman.

I didn't capitalize on Valencia's bad publicity potential due to the danger of this feeling like any other bad publicity deck, don't they all feel kinda samey?

I'm also not entirely sold on a couple of inclusions that don't quite fit (Scrubber, Blackguard, Déjà Vu), as well as possibly trying another identity.

12 Sep 2015 alilja

I have a similar deck; why only two Knives and three of the other cutlery? You have a Mimic; wouldn't it make more sense to have a Corroder to make up for that balance?

I'm not sure Scrubber is a great choice here. How often are you accessing cards that you want to trash that you can't just Imp instead?

Cyberfeeder is an interesting choice. I opted for bad publicity with Investigative Journalism because I like how it combos with Itinerant Protesters. Cyberfeeder is great but it only gives you one credit per turn while bad pub gives it to you every run.

Definitely consider taking out Data Folding. With Eater and Keyhole, you'll never have enough MU to use it, and you're trying to get those out as fast as possible. Consider replacing with 2x Imp and and and another Sure Gamble.

12 Sep 2015 alilja

Addendum: if you really want to hold on to Scrubber, consider switching to Whizzard: Master Gamer. In that case, it would be useful to include Cyberfeeder since you can't guarantee the bad pub. And with Imp you can really do some damage.

12 Sep 2015 Elandil84

I only included two knives for the simple reason of not encountering barriers too frequently against my opponent. I have contemplated cutting down on ALL cutlery numbers to include Planned Assault, but influence is at a premium.

Imp seems a nice enough card, I simply don't have that data pack.

And I agree with you on how much more efficient bad pub is compared to other forms of prepaid, I just finished playing a deck with all those cards included earlier. Variety is the spice and all that.

And picking Blackguard as a console was there specifically for the +2 MU to allow passive income. The expose theme was merely an afterthought. I was tempted to also go with The Toolbox for the prepaid, but I found a deck stopping with Tooblox didn't meet Valencia's minimum 50, thus the half-arsed expose play.

And Whizzard is an interesting choice. I may redesign this deck with him in mind. I may need to include the usual suite of breakers, though, as Eater could be restrictive if the cutlery isn't there to do its job to utilize his identity.

Thank you for your input!

12 Sep 2015 alilja

Cutlery not being there is going to be a problem no matter what; that's why you want card draw via Inject and I've Had Worse. If you've got 'em, Clone Chip and Street Peddler would do a lot for that.

I think you need to choose between trashing or milling. I'm not a very experienced player, but you've got too many themes going here. Bad pub, expose, milling, and trashing.

Blackguard and Data Folding is an extremely expensive combo to pull off. 11 for 1 per turn? Bananas. At least try MemStrips.