MaxX 2015 SC 1st place, Kalmar, Sweden.

Siegl 698

This deck went 6-0 at a store championship in Kalmar, Sweden, with 12 players (4 rounds of swiss+top 4). A month earlier I took this deck to a 2nd place at a SC in Varberg. I did some changes after that though: +3 Knight +2 Quest Completed -1 Singularity -1 Knifed -1 Spooned

The Knights can be huge in putting pressure on remotes early and getting through to trash those pesky Crisium Grids. Or in general making big ICE more affordable to break. I swapped Singularity for Quests mostly against RP where a Caprice on the remote is so good against this deck. Running all centrals shouldn't be too difficult if you focus the utensils on HQ and R&D ICE since you want cheap keyholes/siphons/wantons/shards anyway.

10 Mar 2015 Myriad

Congrats on the win! Very interesting to see a runner deck that packs x2 of all the utensils.

I love amped up in MaxX and probably would not cut it for anything. Did you get any explosive turns out of it? I know it won me my league finals with an epic eight click turn (+joshua).

Do you definitely feel like x2 of the utensils is the right call? I gotta ask because I am having my own midlife crisis involving the events myself. I often feel like I don't have the money to play and use them, but that could be because I run less of them.

I also wonder if you tried inject at all in this build. I found it really gives you a level of bad ass speed that you don't get anywhere else.

I will be bringing MaxX to my own store champs soon. Here is to going against the grain of RegAss ;).

10 Mar 2015 Siegl


Amped Up and Quest Completed actually ended up being my least played cards, but I definitely feel that they are worth the slots. They can get you out of sticky situations or take advantage of some windows. More specifically they help out vs IMO the strongest corps right now: RP, NEH, BS. I also think that 2x Utensils are great here.

vs RP: focusing utensils and runs on centrals to cause as much disruption as possible and setting up for cheaper quest completed when they advance something in a remote. If they have ELP the extra clicks from amped up helps, as well as more run events courtesy of the utensils (othewise archives can be a problem with only retrieval run to work around ELP). But be careful if they have a Nisei token at hand, it can screw with that plan, but amped up can help here too and utensils makes the runs not worthless.

vs NEH: Although quest and forked are probably dead draws here you can set up huge wanton/keyhole turns with the other utensils and amped.

vs BS: Getting in to remotes for accesses can be impossible and quest can make it happen. More utensils means trashing more ICE means less money for the corp, although it's expensive for you up front, it can pay of in the long run. I tend to be cautious about using amped here, until I can get a scorched or two into archives with utopia or wanton. Again, focusing utensils on centrals can set you up to a window where you can get cheap keyhole runs powered by amped, possibly following a siphon or two.

I feel like this is the strongest iteration for me right now. Quest in favor of singularity together with 2x utensils lets me focus so hard on centrals and keep up maxXimum (pun intended) pressure. 2x utensils+eater and/or the knights can get into remotes early if they try to rush an agenda before I can lock down centrals.

On the utensils being expensive; sure they are a big investment, but most of the time it pays off. They also lets you access crisum/caprice on centrals.

Inject is a great card and it fits the theme of the deck, drawing cards to either hand or heap. But I don't think there is a slot for it and it's not really needed, I rarely draw extra cards. Since most of the cards can be played in many situations to cause pressure I don't need any specific cards most of the time (except in a game in the SC where I lost 2 eaters to 1 swordsman, 1 installed and 1 from damage, and I needed a femme. I clicked to draw 3 times a turn until I found two... Still managed to win though.)

Good luck in the SC!

10 Mar 2015 poorhaus

Nice deck and congrats!

Looks like you made the silverware work. I swapped them out for more econ, recursion, and some Spinal modems. deck here

Quest Completed is a brilliant include. I noticed several games where I ran all three servers without really trying and glacier corps often think I have no way of accessing. Might try it out.

10 Mar 2015 Siegl

Thanks man, grats to you too ;)

Nice write up on your deck! Some good points there.

For me the utensils can work as econ, I like to burn them early even on small-mid ICE. If the corp needs to install and pay to rez another ICE just to keep me from getting in free I'm happy. And as you pointed out crisium is a pain and the utensils can get into it.

I like the spinal modem, if I felt like I needed a console I would pick that. With more utensils though I don't really need the MU for an extra knight/femme. It does go nice together with dirty laundry, which would be another nice event vs ELP for a quest completed.

I like the David too, definitely a card I considered. I guess cutting a knight can work, though you are less likely to see one early, when they do the most work. But the David makes the late game more manageable.