UnSable Infomant - 10th Place at Worlds 2023 - 7th in Swiss

JackMade 3259

Day 1

5-1 only losing to @Cahuita's Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design by not realising that the agenda in the remote was actually a Ikawah Project when i could have accessed it with one click left. I was so convinced that it was a 2 pointer. This game was on stream and should be the last one on day 1.

Day 2

2-1 losing to @bridgeman's Restoring Humanity deck on stream accessing a Bacterial Programming at the very wrong time and get struck punitively for it. If you want to rewatch it, it is the first match on stream on day 2.

Top 16 Cut

0-2 losing to NEH Asset Spam Kill: This is totally on me misplaying the first game against @cableCarnageafter having the game firmly under control. I missed the out of rezzing a Reaper Function into triple advancing the one Tomorrow's Headline to get a Wage Workers click and killing with End of the Line. I wanted to check the remotes but was to eager playing around False Lead by not running on click 1 and 2, which obviously was a mistake in retrospect.

The second game against @rongydoge in the cut was way closer and it was super difficult for me to get a controlling board state going, so at some point i ended up tagged and could not get rid of the tags. I decided to go for a The Class Act install to survive one turn which only delayed the inevitable. Funnily, my opponent did not have the kill and i could have just tried to remove tags over 2 turns and would have been probably fine.

Decklist Card Choices

Compared to my version of the list i played at Danish Nationals, the biggest change is that i am now playing 3x Aeneas Informant. It turned out that asset spam was the deck archetype to beat and Aeneas Informant + Bankroll and Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra are great at checking assets, getting either payed in clicks or credits. I also realised that i did not want to be too reliant on run economy so replacing the Mystic Maemi with Paladin Poemu and cutting on Carpe Diem for Daily Casts was just logical. Earthrise Hotel instead of DreamNet also performed good. In some situations i would have liked a second one over the third The Class Act because Paladin Poemu can actually install it.

Double breakers were super good so i did not have to worry about losing one to net damage or SDS Drone Deployment or the dreaded Stavka Hafrún combo out of Ob Superheavy Logistics: Extract. Export. Excel..

Thanks for the great event and the unforgetable memories, special thanks to all my friends and teammates from NWE, you guys rock. Would not have made it this far without you. :heart:

18 Oct 2023 Wet Toastie

Outstanding list mister Bond, take my word for it ja.

18 Oct 2023 JackMade

Drop your comment und kick it toward me, ja! :D

18 Oct 2023 NWE

Congrats on the great finish! Was lovely to have you around, even though you were the only person to beat my NEH :D