Raw Deal v1.0

WardOfTheWoods 710

The key to this deck is the new renovation agendas. Underway Renovation and Oaktown Renovation create a situation where the Runner HAS to run and steal the agenda. Otherwise, they sit there and rack up either credits for you or lots of trashed cards for the Runner. More often than not, the Runner will take the tag upon stealing the agenda and get rid of the tag, further taxing them. This is when you can Midseasons them, further applying dangerous pressure.

This deck creates nothing but lose-lose scenarios for the Runner to deal with, and I think Argus's potential can be fully realized now the the public agendas are out. They really make the deck scary to play against.

28 Jun 2015 PurinaBisonChow

I don't feel Quicksand belongs in Argus Security: Protection Guaranteed. A smart runner will run when they can assure the most bang for the buck and then remove the tag(s). This means that the number of times they'll hit Quicksand is severely limited and its growth rate is stunted. To put this into actual numbers, they'll have to hit Quicksand 5 times with a Corroder before it's more taxing than just using a Wall of Static (11 credits total, versus 10 for Wall of Static) and 7 times before it's more taxing than using a Bastion (22 credits to 21 for Bastion). One top of this, Quicksand would be melted with Parasite long before these break points are reached.

Basically, use Spiderweb, Wall of Static, or Bastion instead of Quicksand if you feel the need for a bulky Barrier.

29 Jun 2015 WardOfTheWoods

``@PurinaBisonChow` Every single time I've used Quicksand I put it on either the scoring server or on R&D and it gets taxing fast. I'm not sure where you're getting this all from.

29 Jun 2015 WardOfTheWoods

@PurinaBisonChow Every single time I've used Quicksand I put it on either the scoring server or on R&D and it gets taxing fast. I'm not sure where you're getting this all from.