I'm looking for a killer in finance [Startup]

vvvvvendetta 2

This has been my one and only corp deck on Jinteki.net and even fairs well against Standard runners despite being Startup legal.

This is a straight-forward kill deck inspired by Girometics's Spike or Strike deck, but with some Automata Initiative cards and more transactions to synergize with Building a Better World. Angelique Garza Correa in particular is a heavy hitter.

To control timing, defend HQ and R&D tightly, while playing loose with the remote servers and Archives. The main win condition is to bide time until I have two Punitive Counterstrikes in hand, then place a 3-pointer behind Tithe, maybe with Angelique Garza Correa. The runner will hopefully grab it soon, and the transactions should have made the corp rich by then. If the runner doesn't grab it, not advancing it looks suspicious, so the hope is to score it and kill with Neurospike.

Flipping an Archer will ease the runner's suspicions if I later decide to not rez some ice and let them pick up a 5/3. Otherwise, I've had runners (wisely 😈) jack out early when I let them through.