Wittertainment - Irish Nationals 1st Place

Dzerards 525

Andy has still got it.

The deck was a bit of a beast, going 4-1 in swiss and 2-0 in elimination.

I figured Noise-Faust was looking pretty strong and that might push people to ETF, which Andy has a good match up against. Or that Butcher Shop would switch to SEA Source to combat Film Critic, in which case New Angeles City Hall should crush them.

Turns out my guess at the meta was spot on and I beat 3 Blue Sun kill decks, 2 ETF and a very sad Butcher Shop. The only loss was against PE, when I already knew I had made the cut and went a little crazy.

The deck could most certainly do with some polishing as I threw it together only 2 days before hand and never got a chance to play it prior to the event.

6 Sep 2015 moistloaf

Traditionally Andy and Crim in general does not have a good ETF match-up. What makes you claim the contrary?

7 Sep 2015 falseidol

@moistloaffairly porous centrals and plenty of tasty/unprotected remotes?

7 Sep 2015 Jesus_Phish

That was my very sad butcher shop. Nothing I could do against the combo of Film Critic and NACH backed up with plenty of money.

7 Sep 2015 Swiftie

I like the look of this, i'm going to test it out with some changes. I'm thinking dropping the 2nd Corroder for a Breach to free up influence, I was running a set up like this out of stealth Andy and did not have any issues with it. With this influence i would add a couple of data suckers to help with Femme Fatale/Mimic.

I'm also not sold on Cerberus "Rex" H2 so would swap that for passport since its cheap to use until you find the Gordian Blade

Since the interaction with film critic is the main selling point of the deck and its not unique i've slotted another one in at the expense of the Stimhack. Also dropped the Drive By but that's me wanting to play 45 cards and was the simplest one to drop.

I'll let you know how the games of after testing :)

7 Sep 2015 Dzerards

@moistloaf really? I thought the general consensus was HB was Andy's best match up.

From my experience it is the remotes for Testing, Bank Jobs, Dirty Laundry. Clickable ice for early Account Siphons. Their ice is usually really safe to face check with either a faerie and/or unspent clicks. Their ice make great shut down targets. They are one of the worst factions for recovering from economic denial. No tag punishment.

Next Silver really screws over Crims, but in a Orange and Green dominated meta who is going to play it?

@Swiftie Glad you like it. I never got the chance to test it prior to the tourney so I'm sure there is a heap of improvements that could be made! I did initially have 3 FC in the build, but I don't feel it is the type of card you must see really early like Desperado. Or that there are many times you will need more than one. With Andy's starting hand and the draw of Earthrise, I was very comfortable with the 2, and that was going up against 4 midseasons decks. If any thing, with the switch to SEA Source, I was more worried about when my NACH showed up so that Security Testing wouldn't get me killed!

Drive By and Stimhack I added at the last minute after having a look at Sasha's (?) Andy deck that made top 8 at the US Nationals. They both give you a bit of game against glacier decks if the game goes long.

Anyway, best of luck and lettuce know how you get on!

8 Sep 2015 moistloaf

@falseidol @Dzerards Ah, I suppose if you play ETF opponents who don't ice remotes against Criminal, it may very well be an easy match-up lol

8 Sep 2015 hi_impact

@DzerardsOn the flip side, HB can offload their money into Eve Campaign and SanSan City Grid to dodge siphons, Eli is still a Criminal pain in the ass, NEXT gets way out of control against them without Parasite, EtF has the best Siphon bounceback with BBG and their ability.and Ichi blowouts/mistakes punish Criminal the most.

9 Sep 2015 Swiftie

@Dzerards tested it with the changes, the extra data suckers were really helpful with both Femme Fatale and Mimic. I'm going to test a variation of this dfeck with Jak Sinclair dropping the Gordian Blade for a ZU.13 Key Master and dropping the third Film Critic, you don't need the full set. Also going out addign a Hostage to grab jak and the critic, should also help out in the wayland match up grabbing Kati Jones.