Vamp and Key

Luzifer 38

This is a rebuild of a deck I built a while ago. Previously it ran three mediums instead of Keyhole but I wanted to try out the new tech.

Anyway, here's how it works: The goal is to build up a ton of money, a crypsis with counters enough to get through to HQ, a keyhole and a vamp in hand. You vamp using your money to make the corp broke and then pop all your all-nighters so that you can run r&d a bunch of time in one turn and bin enough agendas to win. Even if you don't win there, you have a strong rig versus a broke corp.

So card choices: Sacrificial Construct is there purely to handle Swordsman. Once people got wise to the deck, this became a problem if they put it on hq in front of anything that ended the run. This solves that problem.

Inside job. This exists to keep you in the game early. If you are luck you can nab an agenda against a corp that doesn't expect to need to double layer, if not you force them to rez another piece of ice, and hopefully put you further ahead in the credit race.

Keyhole vs Medium: Like I said I'm trying out keyhole but medium might still be better. The keyhole doesn't see as deep and you can just randomly miss even with 6 runs where as this is almost impossible with three mediums. the problem with medium is the jinteki match up. It can be a nightmare, especially now that shock! is in decks. Luckily Snare does nothing against you but just an unlucky series of fetal AI can be problematic.

Magnum opus: Should probably be a Armitage codebusting, but i forget what I had originally.