Whiz Khalifa v3.1

sondayn 38

My Whizzard-cutlery deck I've been tweaking for a while. Still a work in progress, but here it is! Its idea sprang from a Quetzal deck, but when I realized I was spending way more time trashing assets than breaking barriers, I switched to Whiz. Opening hand econ is crucial, as is hitting Wyldside early. Play it flexible - take what the Corp is giving you in terms of what servers to run on. Keep the board reasonably empty, make the Corp waste time and resources replacing ice, and don't let any remote server build up too much ice. Doppelgänger lets you be pesky and ensures your ability to do a double- or triple-Eater/cutlery turn if need be and still access after. Trash Levy when it shows up and pull it back with Same Old Thing once your deck runs low to have a second go through all of your events. Femme Fatale and D4v1d help get through Swordsman/Architect/Wraparound/Turing/whatever else may be giving Eater trouble. Account Siphon, Singularity, and Retrieval Run are situational (hence one-of) but man, can they come in handy. I've had a lot of fun with it so far, hope others do too! Comments welcome. :)