Noise virus spam

lorcan nagle 6

27 Dec 2013 x3r0h0ur

This deck is all over the map you need to trim to 45 cards and focus on something. Medium takes care of R&D, so TME can come out, mr li and diesel can be replaced with Wyldeside, gives you 3 inf for aesops to turn off wyldside and add economy on spent or ineffective viruses.

Get rid of force of nature, its bad, expensive and bad. More than 1 darwin is useless so -2 darwin +1 deja vu + 1 djinn will both help you get him sooner, and recur him if he dies. -1 morning star +1 retreival run, since thats your hope of ever seeing it get in play.

-2 data leak since with all of this econ you don't want to be tagged +2 liberated accounts

Get to 3 sure gambles and 3 armitage and 3 liberated and your econ will be much better. Hostage is also unnecessary without li and CE, both of which do little for your deck IMO, so thats 2 influence for maybe say special order ot help you find mimic and yog when needed. Try out some of those changes and get to 45 cards.

31 Dec 2013 lorcan nagle

Economy is definitely one of the things I want to improve in the deck, and Data Leak was a card I was debating getting rid of anyway. Not sure about using Wildsyde though...