'Steelskin' Nasir v0.2

CJFM 2270

Some refinements in the 'Steelskin' variant.

You have 5 draw cards. 6 tutors (with 3 clone chips for more). The rig is standard stuff now, with Cyber-Cypher/Femme/Lady reloadable with Scavenge (or Test Run, if it comes to that). With so much draw power, you can actually play fewer resources (Kati Jones and Order of Sol) and have a reasonable time finding them during the game.

Happy Netrunning.

21 Mar 2015 ミドリン

I had a question concerning Ghost Runner. Because you loose credits of Ghost Runner with Nasir ability, is it worth including it ? Isn't a click intensive card like Armitage Codebusting more useful in most case ?

21 Mar 2015 CJFM

Thanks for the comment. Generally yes. This version is looking to get opus out instead. You don't lose ghost runner cred to Nasir's ability, since they're not in your credit pool. Also, they help you steal NAPD and Fetal AI.

21 Mar 2015 ミドリン

Thanks for the answer.

Ho, is there a FAQ about that ? Because, out of the rules book, it says credit pool is all credits available to spend. So as for steamhack I though you lose that too.

21 Mar 2015 CJFM

@ミドリン Stimhack's wording is "gain 9c", but the wording on Ghost Runner is the same as on Kati Jones. The credits are "on Ghost Runner" or "on Kati Jones" not in your credit pool. You can, however, be forced to spend credits on Ghost Runner by running into a Tollbooth because it says "must pay 3 if able."

So, credits that are on cards are not in your credit pool. Your credit pool is a separate thing. Credits on Ghost Runner are not "available to spend", they can only be used "during a run".

Anyway, Lukas Tweeted about it some time ago. This confirms what I'm explaining.

See also Ancur here and here. This site is great for rules questions.

21 Mar 2015 ミドリン

@CJFM Thanks for the precision, and links. So I give it a try and maybe test Net Celebrity.