PD Neveradvance losing-on-centrals (1st-2-1@"Genova Reborn")

Drager 305

Semi- standard rushy-Jammy HB, plus the added Precision Design "take the card in hand" bonus.
What's that card you ask? Pretty obvious
But no fear, I'll dive no problem into some strategies!

Like i'm 5

The idea is to install in the Tranquility remote server every turn / every 2 turns.

And then scoring with Seamless Launch.

Score an Offworld Office!
Score a Project Vitruvius or a Luminal Transubstantiation.

Nothing's wrong to score a 4 Adv Vitruvius!
If that's the case, even the GFI is scorable from a neveradvanced-state with a single seamless! (advance - Seamless - pickup the Seamless again from archive with the Vitruvius Counter - Seamless for the win)

I know, this deck is slower than your average PD build -uberfast and precise.
BUT. If you don't draw well enough you kinda can switch to glacier with high impact ice (Bran, Ansel), and the Border Controls and the the Manegarm Skunkworks

But beware, my friends! RndJesus is not always a benevolent God. Like all these kinds of decks we are weak to agenda overflow (Spin Doctor can be a solution, but sometime it's not) and/or heavy RnD Pressure (like this or this or this. You must score out BEFORE they attack the centrals.

If you wait too long.. You will...


The reports, then!

Game 1: vs Diegaccio's Apoc Steve Cambridge This was the unfortunate match. I was never able to purge the counters, and i was drawing the cards all in the wrong order. My 3 seamless were in the bottom 4 cards, and I wasn't able to start the engine. The apoc was the icing on the cake, it came pretty in the late game (at that time i wasn't expecting it) and Diegaccio was able to steal the last 2 point for the win.

Game 2: vs Cetti's Steve Cambridge The match dragged a little, but this deck is a bit more prepared to resist to a longer distance than the usual - faster - PD. This time I was able to purge more constantly the turtle and slowing down the runner. My opponent was one credit short to enter the final jammed agenda in the remote.

Game 3: vs Koga's Kit Very tense game, with rndjesus on my side. Kit was able to enter my rnd 3 times with a 5 card multiaccess (with limited agenda bleeding), and in the meantime I was able to build a pretty resillient remote (with the big bois and the showstopper). Tense moment on turn 2 or 3 when I fired an Ansel (reducing me to 0 cred) during an overclock run on the (then) single iced-remote with SMC on the table. I decided to trash Aniccam and not the smc. I was scoring pretty regurarly, installing in the third to last turn a never-advanced game-winning-GFI in the remote (it was way safer there). Kit maker's eyed RnD seeing 5 cards (maybe stealing one in the process, I don't remember). I advanced-advanced the GFI and installed the 5th or 6th ice on the remote for good measure. Koga searched for the last maker's, but when found, the money were too tight to enter rnd again last click.

Great place, great people, new faces. My best wishes for the AnR / NISEI Genova community to be stronger than ever! Shoutout to Icon for the set up and Cetti for the added prizes!