MaxX Aggression/Destruction

Esperdyne 1

CUTLERY - In my games, I've found MaxX is perfect for the cutlery suite (Knifed, Spooned, and Forked). The major problem for this suite is having the right card at the right time (i.e., having a #Knifed when you need to eat through a Hadrian's Wall). You'll need to build MaxX with cards that let you leverage the cards discarded by her ability, such as Same Old Thing, and you should use SOT and Déjà Vu to pull the cutlery cards out of the heap when you need them. I can't imagine playing another ID and having to let Knifed/Spooned/Forked take up hand space.

The deck's biggest issue is memory for the time being. It's very hard to rely on 2x Vigil, and there have been a few times I've had to make difficult choices between Morning Star (which has really carried it's weight with Retrieval Run) and Keyhole. I'm considering adding a third just to make sure I get it.

Between Wanton Destruction and Keyhole, the corp will be discarding enough cards to definitely consider Hades Shard. I kicked myself for not including it when I had to waste a whole set of Cutlery just to access Archives in a holy grail run, which only got me to 6 agenda points before I was scorched to death.

Prepaid VoicePAD, Day Job, Sure Gamble, and Lucky Find provided excellent economy in the deck, Lucky Find especially. It definitely limits your influence options, though.

A note about one-of cards - you can't rely on seeing them at all with MaxX. I ended up replacing Amped Up because I never got it in hand, and it didn't make any sense to use Same Old Thing on it. If you have a one-of, you have to be comfortable leaving it in the heap. For example, I have only one Femme Fatale, but I want it in the heap for Retrieval Run, never in hand.

I've only played a handful of games with the deck, but so far I love how fast it moves and how many options I can create through recursion effects. I rarely spent a click to draw.


+1 Vigil - Definitely need more chances to see it for more memory. The problem is figuring out what to cut. Might consider Grimoire instead, but I have no viruses. Might be worth the +1 credit cost for the extra MU.

-X Clone Chip - Retrieval Run worked well enough on its own. I don't think I used Clone Chip all that often. May free up some influence, but I'm leaving them in for now. Might spend the influence on a one-of code gate breaker (like Zu.13 or even Torch) in case Swordsman destroys my Eater.

+2 Scrubbed - Would definitely be nice with Morningstar and dealing with corp currents.