Avoid and mislead, trick to kill

Beyo 8

16 Jun 2014 esutter479

Just a thought...wouldn't a build like this (Mushin, MirrorMorph, Trick, etc.) be better served with the Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within identity? I've seen that in action and it's pretty nasty. I couldn't do a thing to stop it; all you'd need to add in is some recursion for Mushin and Trick (and maybe find a way to include 1 more Trick as well, perhaps) and you'd be on your way, methinks. :)

25 Jun 2014 Hongkong Koma

I do not think that Tennin would be better. A clever runner will almost run once each turn against you. And with 16 agendas, with Core ID it's 16 net damage (theoretically) :-)

Why is there a Janus 1.0? To protect one scoring server?

25 Jun 2014 Beyo

You misunderstand the point - there is no single scoring server in this deck ;d

25 Jun 2014 Hongkong Koma

That's the point I was asking for :-)

25 Jun 2014 Subbak

Howler seems like it's not going to be very efficient with only a single Janus in the deck. Interns would achieve the same thing for 1 less influence if you're trying to recur Janus. Also, Bad Publicity could be a problem for if you're trying to tac the runner with Komainu. Maybe run some copies of Clone Retirement and/or Veterans Program?