Soulless geist - 2nd Place Dice Dojo Chicago Store Champs

x3r0h0ur 8956

4 rounds of swiss, cut to top 4. Dropped 1 game to Sol thanks to multiple archangels, and 1 to NEH asset spam (thats a scoop), and 1 to Railgun in the final because I didn't think through my outs correctly.

This deck has serious game against any glacier and can keep up with rush, good MU with basically any fair deck.

Morning of I changed 2x OTL to 1x +1Temujin and -1 Hades +1 FBF. 1x FBF was for the prison MU that I didn't see, this should probably be Sifr, Estrike, Hades, in that order based on what you'll see. I didn't mind passing the FBF every game, didn't hurt the deck much if any. I'd probably also go back to 2OTL it was pretty good on the day, and helps in lots of MU.

Corp was pretty standard 2 CBG CTM, static link here