RP Learning Deck

Gripeaway 13

Making a second deck was a bit more difficult. NBN and Weyland both want to introduce a new mechanic which is generally not great for completely new players (tagging or kill decks) otherwise their decks would just be significantly worse HB decks. So I tried to make a different deck that would play a different style of Netrunner without being completely foreign and requiring the players to learn completely new mechanics. So this deck is based off of traps and playing a Jinteki shell game where there's a lot of bluffing and the Runner has to try to read the Corp.

Identity: Replicating Perfection is probably the best Jinteki ID we have access to even if we're missing some important asset-based economy like Sundew.


3 Braintrust - 3/2 agendas are good, you can mostly ignore the text, it's rarely ever going to be worth it.

3 Nisei MK II - A really good 4/2 agenda because of the excellent ability. Scoring one of these earlier in the game lets us play the shell game with less risk as if they guess correctly one time we can end the run after they go through the ICE and they usually won't be able to go back. Normally with a 4/2 agenda you want to install, advance once, and do one other thing. However, as we're playing 3 Project Junebugs, it may be in our best interest to sometimes install-advance-advance in order to make it less obvious whether it's a Junebug or an agenda. The reason is that a Junebug only advanced once isn't that powerful of a trap.

1 Corporate War - (I'm assuming you read the HB explanations first) Again, we lack another good 2 point agenda so this one is fine. Less reliable than with the HB deck due to worse economy, at the same time we can always install-advance-advance this and possibly sneak it by because the Runner will think it's a Junebug. We can then leave it on the table if they don't run it, which will confirm their suspicion that it was a Junebug. After that, we can wait for a moment when we get our economy up and our credits over 8 to then advance this twice and score it.

3 Fetal AI - A nice, punishing agenda for the runner, also it's a 5-cost one so install-advance-advance plays into the Junebug threat whereas at the same time even if they run and steal it, it's not the worst thing ever for us. This deck is all about making Running risky/painful for the Runner and this plays right into that.


3 Adonis, 3 Pad Campaigns, 3 Hedge Funds, 3 Green Level Clearance for the same reasons as the HB deck. Just good economy. 2 Melange again for the mixture of economy and enticing the Runner to run, in this case forcing him through our punishing and/or taxing ICE.

2 Akitaro Watanabe - With the way our deck/ICE is setup, we want to try to create a big server and force the Runner into running it when it's bad for him. This will help reduce the cost of all the ICE on that server. It's not really a great upgrade because it's only good at specific times but it's just another different type of upgrade to get to try out as you learn the game and it's not bad.


3 Snare! - These sit in R&D and HQ and punish the Runner for accessing cards blindly.

3 Project Junebug - We install these and try to bluff the Runner into running a server that can have both painful ICE and this, potentially to flatline the Runner or otherwise just to make him lose a lot of cards. The threat of these is also what helps us to get agendas through.

1 Project Ronin - The other part of the threat. Something else we can install and advance that the Runner may think is a Junebug and not run then we can set up to win the game with at some point later after they make a run and take net damage. This can also work like the Corporate War above where if we install and advance it twice and the Runner doesn't run it, he will be inclined to think it's a Junebug if we don't score it the next turn, because if it was an agenda we would have just scored it. But then we'll have this with 2 counters on it, meaning we can advance it twice then rez it and use it to potentially kill the Runner in the future. The threat of this card will also make the Runner occasionally have to check Junebugs that we advanced and he didn't run if they sit around afterwards, meaning we may not lose the trap even if the Runner doesn't immediately bite. Overall, this creates a viscous cycle of bluffing and second-guessing that we put the Runner through.


3 Wall of Static - Not the most efficient end the run in the game but sometimes this is just what we need and we don't have the influence for other, more efficient options.

3 Wall of Thorns - Both punishing and an end the run, it combines both of the things we want to do in this deck.

3 Enigma - Just like it the HB deck, a great cheap Code Gate. Because we play Ichi in this deck it's still risky for the Runner to run last click.

3 Ichi 1.0 - A nice taxing piece of ICE, as normal. On top of that, if we install this protecting a remote server, due to our identity's ability, the Runner will be incapable of clicking through all the subroutines. That makes it more threatening and a better combo with the next piece of ICE.

3 Chum - Cheap ICE that needs to be installed with other ICE, this is a great combo with the Ichi 1.0 because we create a 6 strength sentry with 3 subroutines and when installed in a remote server the Runner can't click through it yet if they don't deal with it they get severely punished. Otherwise it's also good enough with Wall of Thorns which will then be 7 strength with 2 subroutines and the potential to deal 5 net damage. The Runner can always jack out after this ICE but in that case it's a very efficient 1-credit ICE that ends the run.

1 Neural Katana - This is pretty bad ICE, I just included one of it in order to have cheaper punishing ICE, continuing the theme of making decisions to run very risky/complicated for the Runner.