The Profesor's Sonic Screwdriver

Resrick 1

The Professor has been a little pet project of mine since i saw him when I first started playing. I love how he can essentially have every program in the game, which prepares him for any situation that may arise, even to the point of doing crazy things like Program Hell and such (you crazy people). I was actually viewing the recent Ian Sterling R.E.D deck (which I think is awesome by the way and have adapted a similar version of my own) and thought to myself,"Why can't we do that in reverse and have all the cards we might need sitting there waiting for us in the heap?" Thus, the Professor's Sonic Screwdriver was born!

Early game: Get as many cards into hand as possible and Freelance Coding Contract the program like crazy to build up money. IF the runner leaves an open server, fine make him put down some ice and rez it so you have an idea of what to do when it is time for midgame. This does not discount beginning to put programs onto the table, but at the end of every turn you should be throwing stuff in the trash.

Midgame: Time to pull out the rig. Those clone chips that are sitting on the board, that scavenge you have been dieing to play. IT IS TIME!!! You've made him rez his ice and you know exactly what he has and are sitting on a good chunk of money waiting to obliterate his servers. IF you build it, you can run! All those juicy programs you have been trashing that can help you break through the servers, pull em out and start to running. When he starts putting out new ice, RUN SOME MORE! KEEP RUNNING!

Late Game: At this point you have a massive rig, the corp is terrified to put anything on the table, and you are sitting nice and fat with a huge hand of extra net/meat damage cards in your hand from all the Public Sympathies and such. Keep the money high as high as possible so that you can run on the remotes with ease once he does place a card. If facing a fast advance, well by this time if he hasn't won then you should be able to pick off his hand and such with ease.

Conclusion: I have the idea in my head and I think this could work, but I honestly don't know. I may WANT this to work more than it actually will work, but that's where testing will come in. Any opinions are welcome and I look forward to the critique from all of you on my deck. Thanks!

8 Jul 2014 turkishvancat

I like the idea of the professor, but you're only using 16 influence worth of programs. If you want to get more bang for the ID, you need to include more out of faction programs. Otherwise, Kate would do the same job and get a discount on installs to boot.

8 Jul 2014 thrazznos

You should use your 1 influence on either a second datasucker or a Stimhack.