Hacktivist Activist

sgram 13

Playing for a few months now. First published deck.

Intent is to start out playing standard Noise-mill and transition to Valencia-sniping once Corp has bad pub.

Basic Noise rig of Crypsis, Aesop and Wyldside. Mill with viruses, Hacktivist (awesome card) and Utopia. Hemorrhage puts additional pressure on HQ and provides some longevity since there are not a ton of programs compared to many Noise decks.

Hostage for Kati or Aesop. Need Aesop more than Kati early on.

Activist and New Angeles gets bad pub in play. Aesop Activist and New Angeles (Activist first).

Run HQ or R&D if able, but don’t break the bank or get tagged doing it. You're pretty reliant on resources so floating tags could be a problem. If you can’t run and do not have the bad pub combo be content to mill and load up Kati.

Never run a protected Archives or the scoring server. Reserve them for Blackmail.

Mulligan for at least one of these- Activist, New Angeles, Wyldside or Aesop. Aesop is key overall.

Still testing. The bad pub combo can be slow in coming even with Wyldside. Without it you basically have a weak mill deck. Feels like Hades Shard should be in there as one more option to hit Archives without running. Might drop a Gorman Drip for it. Don’t really want Plascrete, but probably irresponsible not to include. Have 46 cards because I can't decide what to drop and with Wyldside you never feel it.
