CT Overnight Slumber Party

dtjunkie19 1

Here's a version of the Knight/Overmind/Deep Red combo that I have been running recently out of CT. I picked CT because I feel the shaper recursion is really clutch with being able to be liberal with your overminds and run early and often, and the extra MU and reduced deck size are also useful.

The idea is to get out an early deep red and overmind and run everywhere. An early opus is key as well, even though it eats up MU for overmind, I've found that 5 counters is more than enough early, especially with recursion. And later on, as knights come out, even a few counters can work to get you in when you need to. Late game, grabbing breakers off of personal workshop, getting the Fem, Torch, inti, and some knights out as my full suite, although I haven had a game that has gotten to that point yet.

Thoughts from playtesting thus far:

Really love the legworks. Great in an opening hand, and really great after hitting R&D hard for a bit, forcing them to ice up, then recovering and hitting HQ once they've drawn a few agendas. I'd love an Same old thing to be able to recur one if needed. Next version of the deck may go down to two indexing and pop in the same old thing for more flexibility.

Haven't really ever gotten to use the personal workshop to get my late game suite out yet. This may be partially due to the more aggressive early game running I like to do with the deck, usually I am hesitant to take the clicks to play the workshop and host ice when I could be getting more accesses. Usually between the knights and overmind, I get in where I need to get in. I do like the idea as the backup, if for some reason knight and overmind can't get me in, or I get unlucky with accesses early and run out of steam.

The deck is super reliant on an early opus, as it's really my only econ beside the Sure gambles, and to a degree the personal workshops. I would love some other econ, but outside of dirty laundry, I am not sure what to add. Also, not sure what I would take out to fit dirty laundry in.

Thoughts and comments greatly appreciated.

30 Jun 2014 GammaCodeX

Well mostly nothing is as efficient as opus for the economy. Draw and play sure gamble is the same as 2x opus, draw and play Lucky find is equal to 3x opus etc. Modded is "clickless" but has anti synergy with workshop, and you already run test/scavenge... so i cant really say i have any ideas for the economy... Is opus not doing enough for you? Im a bigger fan of the professional contacts branch of economy, and seems the MU would be pretty useful if your main plan is to recur overmind. It makes cycling the deck easier in trade for taking a lot of cardspace, and can be further boosted by the risky John Masanori or the ever so popular Prepaid VoicePAD if you can find the influence for lucky finds... But again isn't the opus economy strong enough? I sure see a lot of overmind decks here on the DB... is it that good? its not in meta where i play, and im no huge fan.

30 Jun 2014 dtjunkie19

Thanks for the comment :). Yes, opus definitely is efficient, and provides exactly as much econ as I need. The only drawback is that ideally, I want opus as early as possible. At the same time, I want to be running early and getting out deep red/overmind as quick as possible as well. Having opus makes me vulnerable to early program trashing. But that can largely be avoided by making sure I have a knight, overmind, or sharpshooter out alongside opus to handle an early destroyer. I guess the econ is strong enough. If I were to add anything, daily casts or aesop's would probably be the supplemental forms of income I choose.

As to whether overmind decks are good, I am not sure I am good enough to answer that myself. But it seems to work quite well for me in my area. Think of it as a faster, cheaper crypsis but with more limitations that you have to play around. The ability to be able to get into most any server, whenever you want (between the knights and overmind) in the early/mid game is really strong in my opinion.