Teaching Deck Revised Core Set Runner

5N00P1 835

This is a teaching deck (corresponding Corp Deck can be found here), consisting only of 1 Revised Core Set and trying to introduce into the game and on the same time avoiding as many rules as possible. As for starters this is already overwhelming enough.
e.g. bad pub is not included, there are no traces, Femme Fatale, .... the people will find all those cards when they buy a Revised Core Set and could build these decks by themself and play.
The decks are not legal, the Runner is 30 cards (Corp 34), to speed up the game and thus it's recommended to play only to 6 Agenda points. And influence is totally ignored.
My recommendation is to start with Gabriel Santiago: Consummate Professional as in ID but you can also choose any of the other Runner IDs, but for the first game I would recommend Gabriel Santiago.

18 Mar 2018 BlackCherries

Saw your reddit post.

The deck is good (and will probably be better than the corp deck the majority of the times) although I see adding economy cards could help. Why not add a couple of Liberated Account (same mechanic as Armitage) or Bank Job? Battering Ram, Crypsis, Dinosaurus, and Sneakdoor Beta are all cards that could hurt this fragile economy imo.