May Az well try it...

mcg 1062

Last week I had a lot of fun playing a Khusyuk Iain list, before ultimately admitting it wasn't very good. During a stream @Jessica suggested the deck would work better in Az McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy, as lots of the cards could be installed for free, off-setting the difference with Iain's pension, plus you'd have five extra influence. In lieu of anything better to do, I thought I may as well try it.

Jessica was right. The deck is a lot better in Az, and is a lot of fun. The extra influence allows you to make a more rounded deck where Khusyuk is the finisher rather than the only option.

The first thing you're going to ask, quite rightly, is why you would splash for Black Orchestra. The answer is I thought Amina was too expensive and none of the other desirable options fit the influence. BO obviously has the benefit of being thrown away and only installed when you need it, and with some decks only playing Slot Machine as a code gate, you don't install it at all. The downside is when you do have to install it. One of the next things I'll try is Abagnale and using the influence elsewhere.

Despite its healthy econ (playing Bravado for free from Public Terminals is :chef's kiss:) it struggled to keep trashing things with sideways decks, so maybe some of that influence can go on Scrubber or Miss Bones, both of which earn the Az discount.

I think this deck is pretty good. I'm going to keep working on it. Please join me in fine tuning.

30 Mar 2020 SirLoathing

Took this list as a starting point and been working on a pTerminal/Khyus Az list for a Diversified Portfolio event. Added Prog qLoop, Oracle May, Mystic Maemi. They all feed Khyush and speed up the decks acceleration engine. Because the event I am considering the deck for has Rezeki banned I replaced them with Bankrolls. Its been doing really well on jNet testing. Haven't needed Scrubber/Bones yet -- you are fast enough to race Horizontal decks. Feels as if it needs more investment into burst econ and denial to beat HHN with how aggressively you want to run for pQloop, Terminal and Bankroll.

5 Apr 2020 mcg

@SirLoathingGlad you've been enjoying it. I think Mystic Maemi is a great include. I've also been trying Paladin Poemu as another way of saving money. Bankroll is very interesting. The way I've been playing it I haven't made that many runs, so I didn't think it worth it. But maybe that's a way to be super aggressive (if you can avoid HHN). Interesting.