Kate Sagosaurus

mauler78 4

Tried the Sagosaurus wit Kit and it just played to slow. This is a beta version and has not seen any table time as of this post.

Looking for the right combo of draw and econ to get Kate up and running, and then just hammer R&D, HQ, or Remotes as need. The build of of drip econ so mean you are spending less time clicking for credits, so you can consistently run every turn.

22 Mar 2015 Fentonizer

Always like looking at minimal program decks. Have you considered Overmind?

22 Mar 2015 mauler78

I have considered Overmind, but that creates different problems within the deck. The easiest solution being to include salvage to restore the Overmind when it runs out of tokens. I would need to cut cards to add cards. The other being that while minor, Overmind consumes memory and weakens Sage. Finally, the most minor, due to Eater, there has been an up tick in players splashing Swordsman in my meta. It is not off the table, and maybe after some play test might consider it over Creeper.

27 Mar 2015 Raiki

I really like the deck, but I have a concern. How do you deal with program destruction? With no Clone Chip and no Scavenge, your only option for recursion is Test Run, which is also your only source of tutoring. With no Same Old Thing, you can only really hope for two Test runs a game, and can only really count on one.

So your options are to either test run Mopus or Sage, and then hope nothing gets trashed while digging for your only copy of Creeper and whichever program you didn't Test Run. Or, on the other hand, you can Test Run for everything you need, and then pray that you don't hit a suprise Grim. And let's not even talk about the Personal Evolution match up. =/

Have you had any play time with this in the last week? Has any of this come up, or has the deck been piloting well?

27 Mar 2015 mauler78

I have had no table time with it, honest it is going to get a trail by fire this weekend at a store championship.

To be honest I would not even think of running until I havr all programs out. With Disiel, ProCon, and test run i would hope the rig buildd fast. What tutor/recurrsion would you put in, and what would you take out