MN Tax/never advance post Clot 867

The idea here is to augment standard Astrochaining with a remote backup plan. Protecting your SanSan with Ash has always been nice - now you can use it to protect your agendas if they pop a Clot at you. Shipment from SanSan is an EXTREMELY nice card to have here. You can use the timing priority windows to your advantage and score an agenda from your SanSan City Grid by installing, using Shipment, then rezzing and scoring. The same thing works for scoring with Astro tokens. Once you've done this, the runner now has to treat every card that goes into a remote as a potential Clot trigger which you can use to put in Ash and Caprice (ie stuff you want there anyway). Secondly, using Shipment to score from zero credits has saved my ass in many games.

Troll is a personal favorite of mine - in Making News it guarantees the runner loses a few credits or a click every time they need to hit that server.

Snatch and Grab is mostly if Kati Jones and Professional Contacts start being huge again - takes care of them nicely.